Minecraft players do not need to be a master chef to make bread in-game, as they will only need three pieces of wheat and a crafting table to make a fresh loaf.
Bread is one of the oldest food items in Minecraft and has been in the game since its third phase of development.
Eating a piece of bread will restore five points of hunger, which is a fairly decent return for how easy this item is to craft and find.
To make a piece of bread, Minecraft players just need to combine three pieces of wheat at a crafting table. Wheat can be acquired from different structure chests, farming and trading.
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Once Minecraft players craft themselves a loaf of bread for the first time, they will also receive an achievement on Bedrock Edition.
This article breaks down how to make bread in Minecraft and subsequently earn the "Bake Bread" achievement on Bedrock Edition.
Bake Bread Achievement in Minecraft
In order to earn the "Bake Bread" achievement, players will need to get their hands on three pieces of wheat.
One of the best ways to get wheat in Minecraft is by toiling some soil and doing some good ol' fashioned farming. This article serves as a great introduction on how farming works in Minecraft.
Wheat can sometimes be found inside chests in dungeons, igloos, pillager outposts, shipwrecks, underwater ruins, villages and woodland mansions.
Otherwise, wheat can also be found in farm plots in the different villages of the Overworld.
Players can also keep their eyes peeled for hay bales near villages and pillager outposts, as they can be converted into nine wheat when placed in a crafting window.

Once players have three pieces of wheat, all they will need to do is place them in a straight horizontal line in the crafting window of a crafting table.
Players who do not already have a crafting table can quickly make themselves one by combining four wood planks in their player crafting window.
After the bread crafting process is complete, players will receive both their fresh loaf of bread and the "Bake Bread" achievement on Bedrock Edition.
RELATED: How to get a bunch of easy Minecraft Bedrock achievements
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