Minecraft Bedrock players earn "The Beaconator" achievement by constructing and fully powering a beacon for the first time.
Beacons are powerful blocks that project a gaint beam of light up into the sky, which players can use as landmark during their in-game travels.
On top of helping players keep track of where a specfic location is, empowered beacons also grant incredibly powerful status effects to players who are within their range.
However, the major drawback of a beacon is that they can be incredibly expensive to fully construct. Building a level four single beacon pyramid, requires players to use 164 apropriate mineral blocks.
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The blocks that beacons demand do not come cheap, as only iron blocks, gold blocks, emerald blocks, diamond blocks, and netherite blocks can be used.
This article breaks down how to build and power a beacon in Minecraft, and thus explain how to obtain "The Beaconator" achievement on Bedrock Edition.
Minecraft Achievement Guide: The Beaconator
In order for Minecraft players to construct and fully power a beacon, they are going to need to build the beacon itself first.
Beacons can be made by assembling five pieces of glass, three obsidian, and a nether star at a crafting table.
The glass is easy enough to come by, as players will just need to smelt some sand at a furnace. The obsidian is also not too taxing, as it is the same block that is required to construct a Nether Portal.
Obsidian is created when water makes direct contact with lava, producing a block that can be mined with at least a diamond level pickaxe.
Otherwise, obsidian can be obtained from Ruined Portals and their nearby chests, certain rooms in woodland mansions, or all across the End dimension.
The Nether star is the tricky item required, as it can only be obtained as a drop reward for defeating the Wither. Minecraft players can read up on some tips and tricks for how to defeat this epic boss mob here.

Once players have crafted themselves a beacon, they can move on to the next step, which is acquiring the blocks need to build the pyramid.
The pyramid can only be constructed out of iron blocks, gold blocks, emerald blocks, diamond blocks, and netherite blocks.
Minecraft players who are looking to be nifty and use the most cost effective resource, will likely find that using iron blocks will be their best bet.
Minecraft players who have an iron golem farm, will quickly be able to get all of the iron they need by paying that a visit. Otherwise, players are going to need to get mining or treasure hunting.
A good alternative option is to use gold blocks, as gold can be found in fairly substancial quanity in the Nether, particularly if a player gets lucky with finding a Bastion Remnant.
As stated previously, Minecraft players are going to need a grand total of 164 apropriate blocks to build and fully empower the beacon. Getting the blocks is going to probably feel like busy work, but is well worth the time investment.
Once Minecraft players have everything they need, they can finally begin building the pyramid itself

Minecraft players should start by building a 9x9 layer of blocks, then top it with a 7x7 layer, then top that with a 5x5 layer, and then finally make a small 3x3 layer at the very top.
The beacon goes on the very top of the pyramid, right on the middlemost block.
The end result should resemble something very similar to the beacon pyramid depicted in the image above.
From there, Minecraft players can feed the beacon with an iron ingot, gold ingot, emerald, diamond, or netherite ingot to select and activate the powers the beacon will grant.
The power that a player chooses is completely up to them, as the choice made will not impact eligibility for the achievement.
If everything was done correctly, the achievement should eventually pop-up, and Minecraft Bedrock players will have successfully earned "The Beaconator" achievement.
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