Minecraft: Bedrock Edition preview debuted on January 24, 2024, on Xbox consoles, Windows 10/11 PCs, and Android/iOS mobile devices. The preview makes a significant number of changes previously seen in Java Edition snapshots, including a reworking of the armadillo mob, tweaks to the breeze and wolf mobs, as well as a plethora of bug fixes.
Although a substantial amount of changes have been made concerning the technical side of things and the API, there are still many tangible tweaks that players should notice without much input of their own.
Since this is the case, it doesn't hurt to examine the patch notes for preview to see what the latest beta brings.
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Examining the highlights of the patch notes of Minecraft Bedrock Preview

As previously noted, there's a lot to cover across preview's patch notes, regardless of whether players have Minecraft's Experimental Features active or not. Some changes and additions will be familiar to Java Edition fans, as many implementations were also seen in snapshots that were released earlier in January 2024.
Minecraft: Bedrock Edition preview patch note highlights
- After Minecraft fan feedback, the armadillo's texture has been updated to better represent its real-world counterpart. Armadillo spawn eggs and the scutes the critters drop have also had their textures updated
- The vertical range for armadillos scanning potential threats has been reduced
- Armadillos will now spawn in badlands in addition to savanna biomes
- Armadillos that aren't rolled up will now scare away spiders and cave spiders
- Armadillos now float better in the water and splash around more often
- Baby armadillos now move more quickly to reach their parents
- Armadillos will now resist damage while rolled up, will roll up in response to players or mobs that attack them, and will remember players that attack them for 20 seconds and continue to identify them as a threat
- Polished tuff blocks will now appropriately play a sound when an entity falls on them
- The breeze mob's wind charge projectile has been remodeled and retextured and now has a new animation
- Wolf collars have had their size increased so they can be viewed from multiple angles
- The textures for wolf armor, as well as the wolf armor item itself, have been updated
- On Android 12 or older OSs, Minecraft will now switch storage locations to external storage on fresh game installs if players have provided storage permissions
- When external storage is selected on Android 12 or older, certain files and folders will generate in that location when the game is next opened
- Fixed a bug where players couldn't rapidly place items while moving
- Removing items from item frames and books from lecterns will no longer destroy the item frames/lecterns in Realms
- The "has_property" modifier has been added for commands, and players can now select entities with commands based on the properties they do or don't have
- A bug has been fixed where players could customize touch controls while they were dead
- Sweet berry bush saplings will now correctly slow down players when walked through
- Skylights will now update as expected when there are air blocks between the ceiling and the floor
- Players can now appropriately bridge blocks over water
- Upward movement will now break falls, such as the launch action from Riptide-enchanted tridents
- Several Realms UI elements have been updated, and Realms Stories no longer require an in-game restart when the feature is released
- The globe pattern on shields now matches Minecraft: Java Edition
- Several bugs have been fixed regarding sound effects for certain blocks when entities fall on them
- Improved text-to-speech functionality for Realms menus
- Updated warning message for the report a friend feature
- Fixed a bug when cleared text would appear on the inventory screen
- Wolves will now withstand the same amount of damage as they would in Java Edition

Additional changes and improvements were made to the Deferred Graphical Preview, the in-game API, and the Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Editor beta. These alterations are a bit more nuanced and technical, but for players who are curious about them, it isn't a bad idea to check out Mojang's patch note article for the full details.
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