Bees are neutral mobs in Minecraft that live in bee nests and produce honey by obtaining nectar from flowers. Though players can manually obtain honeycomb or honey in a glass bottle, there is a method of creating an automatic farm for it. Farms have always been a great way to obtain loads of any item without working too hard for it.
Here is a step-by-step guide to creating a bee farm in Minecraft.
Placing dispensers, obtaining bees, and more are pivotal in creating a bee farm in Minecraft
1) Place dispensers and observers

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First, players must place five dispensers and observers diagonally and face downward. These will monitor bee hives and nests to see whether they are filling up with honey. The moment honey is produced, the dispensers can use shears or glass bottles to create honeycomb or honey bottles.
Also, these dispensers and observers will be connected with redstone dust at the top.
2) Collection area below the flowers and observers

Next, players need to create a collection station right beside the row of observers and dispensers. They need to dig a hole that is five by three by two blocks. Then, they must place redstone torches two blocks further down on either end of the main hole.
The block beneath which redstone torches are present will have powered rails, while all other blocks will be connected with regular rails, as shown in the image above.
Right at the center, away from the row of dispensers, players must dig an extension of the main hole and place a chest that is connected to a hopper. That hopper must be right underneath one of the regular rails that form the collection area.
Finally, place a minecart with a hopper on the rails to keep it rolling from one powered rail to another while going on top of the hopper connected to the chest.
When the collection area is created, it can be completely covered with dirt blocks.
3) Breeding and collecting bees in bee nests and hives

Once the first part of the farm is created, players must explore and find a bee nest along with a few bees. The aim is to create a closed space around the bee nest and breed as many of these mobs as possible. Also, craft four bee hives for new bees to stay in at night.
Once there are several bees and hives, users need to wait for the night to fall before interacting with them. When the bees are inside, they need to carefully break and collect bee hives and nests by mining them using a pickaxe with silk touch enchantment.
4) Putting bee hives and bee nests on the farm and placing flowers

Finally, users can place bee hives and nests right underneath the row of observers and place flowers in front of them, leaving a block of space. The farm can be covered to prevent the bees from escaping the small area where the flowers are located to extract nectar.
The farm is complete as bees will leave the hives and nests, obtain nectar, and create honey in the blocks. Once the block state changes after creating honey, the observers will activate the dispenser, from which shears will take out honeycomb items. This will be picked up by the collection station from underneath and stored in the chest below.
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