Bees are neutral arthropod mobs in Minecraft that were added all the way back in 2019 with the 1.15 Buzzy Bees update. They were the star of the update as Mojang added various new features surrounding them. There is a lot to know about these mobs regarding their behavior and how players can interact with them and use them.
This is a short guide about bees, where they are found, how they can be interacted with, how to breed them, how to use them, and more.
Everything to know about bees in Minecraft
Where can bees be found?

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Bees naturally spawn near bee nests that can be found growing on trees in various biomes. Different biomes have different chances of spawning a bee nest on a tree. Each will generally have three bees spawning near it or in it.
For example, a tree in meadows will always have a bee nest and bees; plains and sunflower plains will have a 5% chance of having a bee nest on a tree; mangrove forests will have a 5% chance (JE) and 4% (BE); flower forests will have 2% (JE) and 3% (BE); and so on.
When an oak, birch, and mangrove sapling turns into a tree, it will have a 5% chance of generating a bee nest with three bees, provided there is a flower within two blocks of that sapling.
How to use and breed bees?

There is no direct way of interacting with these arthropods, but you can use flowers to do so. Bees are attracted to flowers. They can breed from flowers and gather nectar and pollen from those that are placed.
For breeding them, two bees can be lured by keeping a flower in hand. Then, the flowers can be fed to them to breed them. This results in the spawning of a tiny baby bee. After breeding, parent bees go into a five minute cooldown. The baby bee's growth can be accelerated by feeding flowers.

To start the process of pollination and honey-making, you need to place flowers near bees. Once placed, bees will hover over the flowers and collect both nectar and pollen.
The bees can randomly hover over growing crops and drop pollen in order to fertilize them. This can be done in a contained environment in the form of a crop farm.
After collecting nectar from flowers, they can enter the bee nest and start creating honey. Honey is created in five stages. In the last stage, the bee nest and beehives will be visibly filled with honey.
How do you collect honey or honeycomb from bee nests and beehives?

Honey can be collected by using glass bottles on bee nests and beehives, while honeycomb can be collected by using shears on them.
However, there are essentially two ways to collect honey or honeycomb from a bee nest or beehive: by angering the bees and by not doing so.
Bees get angry towards the Minecrafters if they simply try to take honey or honeycomb. Their attacks can inflict a poison effect on the players. Hence, there is a trick to obtain the resources and not make the arthropods angry. Place a campfire two blocks below the bee nest or beehive in order to keep the bees cozy and still obtain honey or honeycomb from the blocks.
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