The Minecraft creaking is perhaps one of the biggest highlights of The Garden Awakens game drop. Its eerie, glowing eyes paired with its unique movement in the darkness of the biome create a truly creepy ambiance. The creaking is undoubtedly among one of the most adverse foes you will encounter in-game.
Here's everything you need to know about the Minecraft creaking mob.
Where to find the creaking in Minecraft

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You can easily find the creaking mob roaming in the Pale Garden. This mob is found exclusively in this biome and will not naturally spawn anywhere else. You can spot it by its long, wooden look and the glowing, orange eyes.
The creaking will usually spawn a few blocks away from you and every time you turn around from the mob, it gets a bit closer — eerily similar to the weeping angels from Doctor Who.
Another interesting fact about the creaking is that its creaking heart is essentially a live block since you can spawn a creaking mob from it by placing it between two Pale Oak logs. This allows you to spawn them anywhere and harvest them or create a resin farm in Minecraft.
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What does the Minecraft creaking do?

The Minecraft creaking is a hostile mob exclusive to the Pale Garden that spawns when an activated creaking heart is triggered at night or during a storm. When idle, these mobs will aimlessly walk around the biome with dimly lit eyes and do not pose a threat.
However, when a creaking is within twelve blocks of the player's field of vision, it becomes activated. The mob cannot be damaged at all, and the moment you turn around, it will start following you and will attack you violently, dealing devastating damage. The only way to get rid of the mob is by escaping its 32-block radius around the creaking heart or defeating it.
How to defeat the creaking in Minecraft

The Minecraft creaking mob is one of the most difficult adversaries you will encounter in-game. It is virtually resistant to all kinds of attacks and cannot be damaged by even the strongest weapons. The only way to eliminate the creaking is by destroying its creaking heart.
You can easily destroy the creaking heart after locating it. The moment you hit or damage the creaking, you will notice an orange trail leading back to its heart. Follow the trail to find the heart, and destroy it to instantly eliminate the mob. If you destroy it using your hands or a regular tool, the heart will drop a few resin clumps. Alternatively, if you harvest it with a tool enchanted with silk touch, you get the heart.
What loot does the creaking drop?

The creaking mob does not drop any loot when defeated. However, if you destroy the creaking heart with any silk-touch-enchanted tool, you can obtain the heart block itself as loot.
Unlike other mobs like the bogged or the creeper, the Minecraft creaking does not drop any loot or provide any experience points upon elimination. Note that you will be provided a few resin clumps for your efforts if you destroy the creaking heart with anything apart from enchanted tools.
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Use of the creaking in Minecraft
The creaking in Minecraft can be used for a very important task — generating and farming resin. Every time you attack the mob, a few resin clumps generate near its creaking heart. The more you damage it, the more resin is produced.
You can easily use this to farm resin and refine it into a host of items such as resin blocks, bricks, slabs, walls, and more. Resin has become a popular block since its introduction, and the Minecraft creaking is a great way to mine and farm it to your heart's desire.
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