Minecraft Education Edition is a unique version of the game focused on game-based learning for children and teenagers. It is a powerful teaching tool that allows educators to teach children about fundamental concepts in a fun and engaging way. As a result, this edition of the title contains a host of unique features. However, players have found certain aspects they would love to see implemented in the core game.
Here are the four Minecraft Education Edition exclusive features fans would like to see in the original game.
Camera and other Minecraft Education Edition exclusive features that need to be added to the core game
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1) Camera

The camera is one of the most interesting features in the Minecraft Education Edition, allowing players to click a first-person screenshot. It is an entity that can track players and take shots from its perspective, allowing for unique angles.
The camera entity can also follow the player, allowing them to take quick shots amid action rather than switching the POV and missing out on a potentially epic shot. These pictures are saved in the player's portfolio and can be viewed and downloaded.
2) Journal

The Journal is another exciting feature that is seen in the Education edition. It is an expanded version of the Minecraft book and quill, which allows players to embed pictures they clicked with the camera and add short descriptions to it.
It is an amazing item that can be used to chronicle a player's journey, making it a great addition to the core game. It could be a great way for players to reminisce about their journey in the game and keep track of important milestones, like defeating the notorious Wither boss mob.
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3) Elements

Elements would be one of the coolest additions to the ever-expanding features of Minecraft. Minecraft Education edition features 118 elements that can be combined into unique compounds to create new materials and products.
Additionally, the edition also contains scientific blocks such as the element constructor, lab table, compound constructor, and more. These allow players to play with a host of elements and create new and unique compounds.
4) Underwater torch

Players who love exploring the underwater areas and hunting for ocean ruins know how dark it gets in the depth. The underwater torch from Minecraft Education edition could solve this long-standing problem and be a great way to explore these areas without being ambushed by the drowned or navigating in total darkness.
The underwater torch could also feature color variants by using different elements for crafting it, just like a regular torch. It could also become a great way to mark your way through ocean ruins while exploring them.
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5) Super Fertilizer

Super fertilizer is an amazing item in Minecraft Education Edition. It is a more potent version of the regular fertilizer, made by mixing bonemeal with ammonia and phosphorus obtained from the element tables.
Super fertilizer could be a great way to augment your sugar cane farm or engage in serious farming without needing to create elaborate bonemeal farms to obtain the material.
6) Border and permission blocks

Border and allow/deny blocks are perhaps some of the coolest features added in Minecraft Education Edition. These blocks can help you manage your world better, as well as prevent untoward accidents from happening.
Border blocks are unbreakable and impermeable blocks that prohibit movement through, over, or under them. These could be a great addition to wall off your settlement or resource farms to ensure wandering mobs like spiders, skeletons, zombies, and more do not pay you a sudden visit.
The allow and deny blocks can be used to create restricted building areas and designate zones where building is allowed. This is a great asset if you run Minecraft servers or Realms and don't want your friends to blow up or alter your favorite buildings. It can also prevent accidental builds and ensure your world stays pristine.
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