Minecraft’s Enchanting Table language first featured in the Commander Keen video game back in 2001. In Minecraft, enchantments can be created using the enchanting table which allows players to create magic armour, weapons and tools.
The enchanting table uses the Standard Galactic alphabet which cannot be directly read by players. However, there are various online tools that can be used to understand what the enchantments mean. Minecraft players can even manually translate the text using a translation table that will tell you which symbol starts for what English alphabet.

How to read Minecraft's Enchanting Table language
The Standard Galactic text that you see in the enchanting table does not have any specific meaning. They are randomised words and phrases that are not related to the enchantment at all.
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As the language is understood by only a handful of people, it can even be used outside the game for secret codes and messages.
Fortunately, due to the innumerable online translators on the internet, Minecraft players can easily find out the meaning of particular phrases.
Alternatively, you can look at the specific translation for each English alphabet in the picture below. As you can see, individually translating each symbol is rather tedious, and learning the language itself will require a lot of time.

Once you have access to the translation table, you will have to individually check what alphabet each symbol stands for. This is just like any other secret code or language.
Of course, Minecraft players who have already learned the language will testify to the fact that learning the enchanting table language will take time and practice.
Until you are able to figure it out completely, you can always use any of the online tools available. For further help, you can have a look at the video below:
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