Every so often, players will run into serious issues with Minecraft. This is a byproduct of gaming that doesn't necessarily indicate that Mojang is bad at developing or that the sandbox title is bad, but it does happen from time to time. Many of these issues can render the game almost unplayable, so players often try to find some sort of solution.
The corrupted chunks issue has plagued many Minecraft players. Fortunately, there are some ways to fix this error if it comes up.
Minecraft corrupted chunks troubleshooting
Corrupted chunks in Minecraft can often be caused by mods, so the first thing you can try when it comes to resolving this issue should be the removal of mods. Simply head to the mods folder and deactivate all of them. You can then go back into the world and try again.
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You can also, if there's nothing built there, try resetting the chunks. If there's something there, it will be reset with the game and go away, so this should be used as a last resort.
There are dedicated third-party tools like Minecraft Region Fixer or MCEdit that exist with the sole purpose of fixing these chunks. These are not from Mojang and are not official, which is something to keep in mind if you plan on using them.
You can also try shutting down everything else on the computer or device. If a lot of things are running, memory can't be used for Minecraft, and this can cause chunk issues.
If these methods don't work, chunk issues can often be resolved by exiting the world, waiting, and then entering again. Sometimes, a forced re-load can be all that a world needs to fix itself.
Taking this a step further, you can also use the tried-and-true generic troubleshooting methods. Restart the entire device and then load into the game and see if it has been fixed.
Try logging out of the account and then back in. Sometimes, it's an account issue, and resetting can fix it. On that same note, restarting the application on whatever platform you're on can also work wonders.
Chunks don't usually rely on the internet since the worlds can be offline, but if they're online, it's worth checking the internet connection. Resetting the router or modem or disconnecting it on the device can work in a bind.
If you have exhausted these issues and still see corrupted chunks, it may be worth contacting Mojang to see if there's an issue they can help with. Furthermore, checking Down Detector to see if others are having issues can tell you if you're the only one having trouble or not.
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