Minecraft players will likely need leather at one point or another. There are many ways to get and use leather in Minecraft.
Leather can be secured through mob drops, fishing, crafting, looting, bartering, and trading. When the leather has found its way into a player's inventory, it can be used to make armor, books, and item frames.
Minecraft Guide: How to get leather
Mob Drops
A few mobs drop leather when they're killed. The mobs are:
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If a player kills a fox with leather in its mouth, they have an 8.5% chance of collecting it. On the other hand, if players drop food down, the fox will abandon the leather.

When a Minecraft player is fishing, they can reel in "junk items." There's a 1% chance of catching leather as a junk item with a rod that's free of enchantments. A player also has a 1% chance of catching leather boots with an unenchanted fishing rod; however, the boots will be damaged (10%-100%).
A player can also craft leather from rabbit hide, which is obtained by killing rabbits. Here is the arrangement that the hide should be placed in to yield leather:

Players can also loot leather from chests that generate in the world. These chests include the village tanner's chest (17.3% chance in both Bedrock and Java) and the bastion bridge chest (47.9% chance in Bedrock and Java).
Barter and Trade in Minecraft
Minecraft players can barter and trade in order to obtain leather.
Bartering is conducted between a player and a piglin (nether mob) in Minecraft. They're hostile mobs that a player can barter with by giving them gold ingots. There are a variety of items that a player might receive in this deal, and four-ten pieces of leather is one of them.
Trading is conducted between a villager and the player. A player can trade an emerald for six pieces of leather with a novice leatherworker in a village. The trade is always an option in Bedrock edition and has a 66.6% chance in Minecraft Java edition.
What is Leather Used For?
Leather is used to make armor, books, and item frames in Minecraft.
Leather Armor Recipe




Book Recipe
Books in Minecraft can serve a few purposes. They can be enchanted and used as a method to enchant other items, serve as an offered item in trading, and be used as decoration when used for bookshelves.

Item Frame Recipe
Item frames are a great way to preserve an item, like a head or a beloved sword. This allows the player to see it instead of having to resort to a chest to contain it.

Leather armor can also be dyed to match the style of the player, making it more personal. Other types of armor don't contain this feature.
Leather is often overlooked in the game because players tend to seek resources of better quality. While iron tools, weapons, and armor does perform better, leather still serves its part. Without it, some Minecraft players wouldn't make it through mining or a nighttime adventure when just entering their world.
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