Blackstone is the Nether’s stone. Added in Minecraft's Nether overhaul in 1.16, this has helped the Nether transition into a fully livable biome when combined with the inclusion of the Nether’s warped and crimson forests.
There are also a few variations on the main block. The most common being gilded blackstone, as it also naturally generates in the Nether. This block features shards of gold interrupting the otherwise dark texture of the block.
Players can also create bricks out of blackstone and create polished and chiseled block variations to add some flair and interest to builds with a stonecutter.
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How to use Minecraft’s blackstone to build a tower
Where can blackstone be found?

Blackstone is a block type exclusive to the Nether. It is roughly equivalent to cobblestone or cobbled deepslate and naturally generates throughout the dimension. It is easiest to see in bastion remnants, which make up the main structure of the ruins.
It can also be found in basalt deltas and anywhere underground in the Nether and makes up the ground below the dimension’s massive lava seas. Piglins can also give the player eight to 16 blackstone when the player gives them a gold ingot, meaning that blackstone is a renewable resource.
What can blackstone be used for?

Interestingly, blackstone can be used to craft stone tools and other items normally crafted with stone. With the inclusion of warped and crimson trees, players can craft new tools while in the nether, should the tools they entered a break or become too fragile to continue to use.
Other than that, blackstone’s main selling point is its unique texture and incredibly dark coloration. This block is uniquely suited for medieval and fantasy builds. The black coloration of the block means builds employing it as a main block come off very imposing and threatening, perfect for use in builds themed around dark fantasy or a grungy medieval world.
How to build a blackstone tower
As a very dark textured block, Blackstone works best when combined with lighter accenting. It would look amazing next to both the warped and crimson blocks from the Nether forest biomes. It would also look great with the addition of lanterns to add to the medieval and fantasy feels the block exudes.
Should players want to embrace this aesthetic, the many different types of stone found in the overworld would also look amazing near the block. They would also add to the castle and fortification vibes often associated with medieval and fantasy architecture.
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