Chains are highly versatile blocks which were added to Minecraft update 1.16. These cheap blocks can provide a use to almost every build, from bridge suspension to underwater mines. Luckily, due to the fact that they only require iron to craft, players will not struggle to acquire these blocks.
Another great feature of chains is that they can be placed horizontally, not just vertically. While they can be naturally found in structures such as the Bastion Remnants or mineshafts, players are recommended to craft them due to their cheapness.
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How to make chains in Minecraft easily

Step 1: As seen in the crafting recipe above, players only need to locate a source of Iron to craft a chain.
Step 2: To obtain Iron Nuggets, players can place a single Iron Ingot into their inventory or crafting table. This will result in nine iron nuggets.
Step 3: Players can then proceed to place their newly crafted iron nuggets and iron ingots in the order shown above to begin crafting chains.
It is important to know that two nuggets and one ingot will only result in the crafting of a single chain, which means that the player will need a decent amount of iron if they want a large supply of chains.
Luckily, iron is extremely common in the Overworld, and will become even more common in the upcoming Caves and Cliffs updates.
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Players should be aware that the Bell and Lantern items provide a seamless connection to Chains, which provides a wonderful hanging effect.
Seen in the image above, lanterns hanging from a chain are an attractive substitute for torches or other light sources. This combination will look great in almost any build.
Shown in the video above are 12 techniques that players can use to get the most use out of their hard earned chains. These techniques can be applied to any build and are great ways to give the build that extra spice and style that it deserves.
All players are recommended to use chains in their builds due to their strong versatility and resource efficiency.
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