Minecraft's rarity system is a means of indicating the approximate "rarity" of a given item, denoted by a text color and a specific category that's tied to it. Bedrock preview, released on August 1, 2024, has reworked and improved this system to better reflect actual in-game rarity. Since recent updates and game changes have changed item/block access, Mojang decided to reflect this.
In Minecraft Bedrock preview, various items and blocks that have been given a rarity designation have had their categories and text color changed. While most items/blocks remain common with white text, some that were previously in other categories have been switched. Mojang has reevaluated the majority of them to reflect their rarity based on a collection of different factors.
The rarity system in Minecraft and the changes in preview

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According to the patch notes for Minecraft preview, the majority of items and blocks have been re-categorized in Bedrock Edition's rarity system. An item/block is assigned a rarity to each with its own corresponding text color including common (white text), uncommon (yellow), rare (aqua), and epic (magenta) based on the following criteria:
- The chance of finding an item/block in a loot table, including via mob drops.
- The amount of traveling required to find the item/block.
- The difficulty of obstacles that must be overcome to obtain the item/block.
- The potential amount of an item/block that would exist in the game world.
- If an item/block is crafted, it will inherit the highest rarity of its crafting ingredients (ie. A mace is epic rarity due to heavy cores being used to craft them which are also epic rarity).
With that in mind, several of Minecraft's items and blocks were reshuffled to fit a new collection of rarities based on the criteria above. The rarity system after preview now includes the following rarity categories and items/blocks:

As Minecraft Bedrock continues to evolve, Mojang may change the rarity system and its categories again. However, for the time being, and unless additional changes are made after the preview, these categories and items/blocks in the rarity system will be represented as shown above.
Hopefully, this improvement to the rarity system allows players to better understand the time and effort they'll have to put in so they can acquire items and blocks of various rarities.
It has been quite some time since the rarity system received any attention, so it certainly helps to accurately portray just how precious certain resources are in Mojang's sandbox title.
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