Minecraft is an ever-expanding game, and that applies to Minecraft mobs just as it does to its blocks, items, and more. Compared to the game's early days, it's veritably packed with unique and varied Minecraft mobs across the Overworld, the Nether, and the End. This is to say nothing of the various mobs that were implemented or in development but ultimately ended up discarded or unused.
When including all the mobs that are physically encounterable in the game without the use of commands, there are approximately 85 mobs in Minecraft, including combined mobs, mob variants, and bosses. However, if players need a full list of mobs to pore over, it doesn't hurt to create one based on each mob's nature relative to how it interacts with players.
All Minecraft mobs in 2024
Passive Mobs

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Passive Minecraft Mobs are classified because they present little to no danger to players. They won't attack players regardless of conditions (though pufferfish will puff up to protect themselves, and their spines can inflict the Poison status effect on contact). Most breedable and tameable animals are part of the passive mob category as well.
The full list of passive mobs is as follows:
- Allay
- Armadillo
- Axolotl
- Bat
- Camel
- Cat
- Chicken
- Cod
- Cow
- Donkey
- Frog
- Glow Squid
- Horse
- Mooshroom
- Mule
- Ocelot
- Parrot
- Pig
- Pufferfish
- Rabbit
- Salmon
- Sheep
- Skeleton Horse
- Sniffer
- Snow Golem
- Squid
- Strider
- Strider Jockey (Strider is passive, Zombified Piglin riding it is neutral)
- Tadpole
- Tropical Fish
- Turtle
- Villager
- Wandering Trader
Neutral Mobs

Neutral mobs often sit on the fence between passivity and aggression in Minecraft. They can be passive and non-threatening but occasionally become hostile to players when certain conditions are met.
Each mob has a somewhat different set of requirements before attacking players, but fans shouldn't completely ignore these mobs when encountered and should stay aware of their temperament.
The full list of neutral Minecraft mobs is as follows:
- Bee
- Cave Spider
- Chicken Rider (When the rider is a Zombified Piglin)
- Dolphin
- Drowned
- Enderman
- Fox
- Goat
- Iron Golem (When spawned naturally)
- Llama
- Panda
- Piglin
- Polar Bear
- Spider
- Spider Jockey (Spider is non-hostile when the light level >12)
- Trader Llama
- Wolf
- Zombified Piglin
Hostile Mobs

Compared to Neutral and Passive Mobs, Minecraft's Hostile Mobs are outwardly aggressive towards players whenever/wherever they find them. As long as a player enters its respective detection range, a hostile mob will begin to pursue and attack them until they are killed or the player manages to flee.
The list of hostile mobs that can be found in-game can be found below:
- Blaze
- Bogged
- Breeze
- Chicken Jockey (When the rider is a Zombie)
- Creeper
- Endermite
- Evoker
- Ghast
- Guardian
- Hoglin
- Hoglin Jockey (Hoglin is hostile, Piglin riding it is neutral)
- Husk
- Magma Cube
- Phantom
- Piglin Brute
- Pillager
- Ravager
- Ravager Rider/Jockey
- Shulker
- Silverfish
- Skeleton
- Skeleton Horseman
- Slime
- Spider Jockey (Spider is non-hostile when the light level <12)
- Stray
- Vex
- Vindicator
- Warden
- Witch
- Wither Skeleton
- Zoglin
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager

Hostile Mobs that are much more difficult to defeat in battle, Bosses are typically the toughest opponents found in the game. Currently, the game only classifies three Minecraft mobs as bosses: the Ender Dragon, the Wither, and the Elder Guardian.
While the Elder Guardian isn't often considered a boss compared to its counterparts, it is still addressed as such since it isn't a random spawn and is intended to be the strongest encounter in the ocean monuments where it is found. All in all, Bosses are mobs that are supposed to be sought out and battled, but not with the regularity of Hostile Mobs.
Also Read: Seed Generator Minecraft
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