Minecraft has all kinds of entities roaming around in all three dimensions. While some are passive and neutral by nature, others may be hostile. Almost all mobs in the sandbox title have a purpose but players do not interact regularly with most of them. In fact, some of these mobs don't provide any useful resources and are created purely to enhance the game's ambiance.
Here is a list of Minecraft mobs that not a lot of players interact with.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinion.
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List of 5 mobs in Minecraft that players hardly interact with
1) Bat

Bats are passive ambient mobs in Minecraft that players rarely interact with unless they are new to the game. Bats have three hearts of health and fly randomly in caves and other dark areas with less than three light levels.
Since these creatures do not drop anything upon death and cannot be fed, lured, or tamed, they are almost useless for players. The only role a bat plays in Minecraft is that it adds an ambient element to dark areas.
2) Polar Bear

Polar Bear is a neutral mob that usually spawns in cold biomes like snowy plains, frozen rivers, and oceans. These can become hostile if players try to approach adult polar bears with cubs. Since they cannot be tamed or controlled, players can escape the mobs' clutches by either killing them or fleeing from the scene.
Keep in mind that killing polar bears won't be too fruitful either since they occasionally drop raw cod or salmon along with a few XP points, both of which are extremely easy to obtain by other methods.
3) Strider

Striders are one of the few passive mobs that dwell in Miencraft's Nether realm. When Mojang Studios added these, many players were fascinated by it since it has the unique feature of walking on lava. Since Nether is filled with massive lava lakes, having a strider made perfect sense.
However, as time passed, these creatures' popularity among the player base waned. Most players made bridges, while others with elytra simply flew around the hellish realm.
4) Goat

Goats are one of the newest mobs added to Minecraft. These animals spawn in hilly areas like snowy jagged and frozen peaks. Goats can drop their horns if they ram into a solid stone or ore block. These horns can then be blown to let out different kinds of sounds.
However, since goats are slightly uncommon and not many players climb high peaks, interactions between the two are scarce. Goat horns have not been too famous in the community, and players who do require the mob's horns can find them in 50% of Pillager Outpost chests.
5) Squid

Squids are passive aquatic animals in Minecraft that spawn in rivers, oceans, and other water bodies. Although they have some unique behavior, it is not too useful to players. When killed, a squid drops anywhere between one to six ink sacs, which can be used to dye any other block or item black.
In the past, players who needed a lot of black dye came up with several ways to create a squid farm. However, there are many who rarely interact with squids.
Glow Squid also has a similar story, despite being a newer mob and yielding a new glow ink sac.
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