The 1.19 update for Minecraft is undoubtedly very close. With each passing week, Mojang releases new snapshots, betas, and previews that are used to test out features for the upcoming updates. In these snapshots and betas, players get the chance to try out new things like the Recovery Compass, the Deep Dark biome, and Mangrove wood.
Lately, the releases have focused on fine-tuning the existing features instead of adding new ones. Instead of adding a new mob, Mojang has devoted the last few releases to bug fixes for the Allay and other mobs coming in 1.19. That likely means they're close to finishing the update.
Minecraft Now is also poised to go live very soon regarding the 1.19 update. Lots of important information will be dispersed, as well as fun commentary and insight. Here's everything players need to know.
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Minecraft Now for the 1.19 update set to reveal more about the update
Late last year, Mojang announced they would be doing semi-regular livestreams to update the community about where they stood. While this has largely been used to disseminate important information, it's also a great way for the community to feel updated and involved in the process.
Updates don't come around too often for Minecraft, which is why each one is so big and important. Finding out the details, like a potential release date, is important and can set a lot of players' minds at ease.

Today's stream will be occurring on May 19 around 12 pm EST. The stream will take place on the official Minecraft YouTube account, which is where all the streams take place.
This livestream will focus largely on the mobs that are coming in 1.19. The Warden, Allay, frogs and tadpoles will all be featured and the community will get to know them a little better before their official release.
Here's what the Mojang blog had to say about the upcoming blog:
"This month, we are getting an exclusive deep dive into the mobs! Mariana has a bunch of stunning concept art of the warden to show you, Chi will walk (or hop? I’m hoping!) us through the process of bringing the frog to life, and you are going to help us prove that the allay is a contender for Cutest Mob Ever by adding the tag #MinecraftNowSubmit to your favorite allay art on Twitter! We are also joined by special guest AntVenom who will talk about the mysterious Far Lands, so mark your calendars for May 19, noon EST!"
Mojang has remained silent about any other details, so players will simply have to check out the livestream once it goes live! Let us know your thoughts about the 1.19 update in the comments section below.
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