Introduced in Minecraft Java Edition 1.14, pandas are neutral mobs that spawn fairly infrequently and are one of the rarest mobs in the game. There are seven kinds of Minecraft pandas.
As is the case with many other Minecraft mobs, there are also baby variants of the main panda mob. Each has its own unique characteristics ㅡ one type of panda may look and behave differently than another type.
Players have the best chance of finding themselves a panda in Minecraft’s jungle or bamboo jungle biomes, where the mobs can occasionally be found in groups of one or two. They’re a bit more common in bamboo jungles. But how can a player tell what kind of a panda they’ve found?
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Types of Minecraft pandas

Normal pandas
Minecraft players can tell if they’ve found one of these pandas by checking the mob’s expression. However, without the tears or anger found in other types of pandas, the normal variation of the panda mob doesn’t really have any defining characteristics.
Lazy pandas
Lazy pandas are the only kind of Minecraft panda that can be seen lying on its back. Slower than normal pandas, they’re the slowest mob in the game. Lazy pandas are also the only kind of panda tyhat has a smiling expression.
In Bedrock Edition, lazy pandas who are lying down will get up to follow a player who’s holding bamboo. In Java Edition, a lazy panda won’t get up to follow.
Worried pandas
Worried pandas don’t eat anything unless it’s fed to them. They avoid players and the most aggressive mobs, and will also shake and hide their faces if there’s a thunderstorm. They have eyes similar to that of Minecraft’s tamed wolves.
Playful pandas
Playful pandas have their tongues sticking out. These pandas will roll and jump around even into adulthood, though they’ll occasionally be hurt or killed if they accidentally roll off a cliff.
Aggressive pandas
It’s best to leave this kind of panda alone. While other pandas will only hit their attacker once, aggressive pandas will continue to attack until their attacker dies or gets out of range. These pandas will attack if any pandas are hurt near them.
Aggressive pandas are slow but have a reach similar to that of the player. Players can identify this kind of panda by their angry expressions.
Weak pandas
Weak pandas have half the health of other pandas. Baby weak pandas also tend to sneeze more than other pandas. They have a teary expression and a snotty nose.
Brown pandas
Brown pandas behave the same as normal pandas but are brown in color instead of black.
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