Minecraft player and Redditor u/Yoka_mckam shared an image on the game's subreddit where talented builders show off their creations. The picture featured a large treehouse built in the recently added Pale Garden biome. The original poster used different wood types to make the structure stand out from the pale and ashy background.
Reacting to the build, u/Mineshafter61 stated that it looks very cool, especially how the builder added dead coral for the leaves. u/OrigamiMarie said that they were hoping to see some kind of house structure as the name of the new biome had a “garden” in it. And it seems the original poster was delivered.
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u/RositaDog said that the entire structure looks epic, and asked what was used for making the roof of the house. The original poster revealed they had used too many types of blocks to write them down. However, some of the main blocks were green wool, concrete, and concrete powder.

u/rowsdower02games couldn't understand why Mojang Studios does not add massive biomes with large trees and leaves in Minecraft. They also hailed the house as beautiful.

Another user named u/Heimdalhur said it looks amazing. u/Calm-Glass-1053 said they were impressed by the swiftness of the original poster in making a structure right after the update was released.
The Pale Garden in Minecraft offers new building opportunities

The Pale Garden biome is the latest addition to Minecraft and it introduces the Pale Oak tree. With its pale grey wood and ashy appearance, the Pale Oak stands out among other trees, offering players a new palette for creative structures. In fact, it could be one of the best things added this year for builders.
When harvested, its logs can be processed into planks with a light grey tone that dovetails well with other wood types. This versatility makes it ideal for creating contrasting designs, such as pairing Pale Oak with darker woods like Spruce or Warped Wood for a more pronounced effect.
Builders can also combine Pale Oak with stone or quartz blocks, resulting in sleek, modern builds or timeless, castle-like structures.
In addition to its aesthetic appeal, Pale Oak planks support all standard wood-based crafting recipes. Players can use them for doors, fences, stairs, and slabs, allowing the material to fit into both functional and decorative designs.
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