While Minecraft seems like a simple game that allows players to place blocks and build structures, some have managed to create highly complex and impressive structures with just basic materials. Talented builders have crafted everything, from grand temples and castles to fully functional computers, within the title’s sandbox world.
A Redditor named u/Past_Coconut_4473 recently shared a short video clip on the Minecraft subreddit showing a massive and complicated circuitry for a functional computer. The caption of the post revealed that the machine has 2 KB of RAM with 32-bit functionality.
For those unaware, making a computational device using redstone with 32-bit processing is very complicated and time-consuming.
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In response to the post, Redditor u/Conart557 expressed amazement, commenting that a 32-bit redstone computer is truly an impressive feat.
Meanwhile, u/Mars_Bear2552, highlighted the significance of the 2 KB of RAM, further emphasizing the build’s complexity.
u/St-Damon7 chimed in with the obligatory question:
“Can it run Doom?”
Doom is a classic game released in 1993. It is frequently run on simple machines like calculators as part of an internet trend.
The original poster responded, explaining that the current machine can only perform basic functions, such as displaying the Fibonacci sequence. For it to run more complex tasks, the device requires other elements, such as a functional display, something that other players have also successfully created.

u/BunchesOfCrunches, who claimed to be a mechanical engineering student, asked for a simplified explanation of how computers work using redstone. They added that they are familiar with physical sciences but don't know much about computers.
In response, u/bedwars_player explained that it’s similar to how real-world computers work, but at a basic level. Redstone in Minecraft represents binary information, where “on” is equal to 1 and “off” is equal to 0. With this binary system, the computer can perform basic operations.

When asked by u/marvygmd about the curved appearance in the video, u/Floaty_Waffle suggested that it might be due to the use of a fish-eye lens effect, which added a cinematic feel to the footage.
How Minecraft players make computers using redstone

Minecraft's redstone functions as in-game electricity. While it is typically used to deliver an “on” or “off” signal to make doors open or run pistons, some players go the extra mile and create some outstanding machines.
This simple item allows players to create circuits, machines, and even computers capable of running games like Minesweeper. Some have gone further to build complex devices like calculators, memory storage units, and even basic CPUs entirely from redstone components. One particularly notable creation is a functional Rubik’s Cube that one can interact with.
A redstone computer works similarly to a real-world PC, but on a much simpler scale. It uses basic logic gates, such as AND, OR, and NOT gates, which control the flow of redstone signals. By connecting these gates, players can build circuits capable of performing various calculations. The complexity of the calculations depends on the type of computer made.
Redstone is not the only item needed to make computers. Players use items like redstone dust, which can work as connecting wires, redstone torches, which work as switches, as well as repeaters and comparators to manage data flow. Some builds even incorporate pistons and other items for more advanced constructions.
A popular example is the redstone calculator, which can add and subtract numbers by processing inputs through its circuits. Another well-known project is the Minecraft 8-bit computer, which can execute basic mathematical operations and run simple games.
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