Recently, Minecraft Redditor u/commandblockidiot69 posted a video on the official Minecraft subreddit showcasing a brilliant data pack that simulates a more realistic explosion triggered by a TNT block. They did this by using several sets of commands through a command block.
Since Minecraft is a sandbox game, it can be tweaked and tinkered with in various ways. Several tweaks can be done with the command blocks present in the game, and more complicated features can be added via mods. Hence, in the decade since its release, the game's vast playerbase has come up with various mods and command combinations to change how the sandbox game operates.
Whenever a TNT bomb is blown in Minecraft, it instantly destroys several blocks around it. However, in reality, explosives cause several pieces of debris to shoot out as well. The Redditor made a realistic version of TNT using command blocks to emulate this effect.
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Minecraft Redditor invents realistic TNT with command blocks
In the video, u/commandblockidiot69 blows up TNT below several grass blocks. When the explosive goes off, it destroys some blocks around it like usual, but some other blocks get flung away and are destroyed upon landing.
The player also showcased TNT blowing up a villager house in a more realistic manner.
Users react to realistic TNT data pack made by the Minecraft Redditor
The realistic TNT data pack made by the Redditor was quite fascinating, and several members of the subreddit flocked to the post and reacted to it. Within a day, it received over eight hundred upvotes and several comments.
One user mentioned that the data pack would be even more realistic if the power of the TNT was increased, simply because one block of TNT would typically deal much more damage than it does in the game. The original poster seemed to agree, but they stated that increasing the radius of the explosion would result in the game lagging.
A few other users were also curious to know whether the blocks that flew away after the blast could damage players and other structures. The original poster replied and clarified that players could take damage from these blocks, but other structures would not be affected by them.
Apart from that, there were several comments appreciating the data pack made solely by using command blocks inside the game. These kinds of features are usually seen in mods, but the orignal poster managed to make it through commands.
Overall, the video of the realistic TNT explosion was appreciated by many on Minecraft's official subreddit, and it continues to gather more views, upvotes, and comments.
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