Minecraft has a unique connection to real life. For starters, it is fairly close to a life simulator. While there are plenty of fantastical elements, the basics of human life are also there - kill animals for food to survive, build shelter, craft items and more are all part of life at its most rudimentary level.
The connection is furthered by the game's creativity. Anything from the real world can almost certainly be recreated in the game. Players have recreated racing tracks and buildings and there is even a project working on recreating the entire earth.
That connection goes both ways, though. Crafters can recreate things in the game, but in-game things can also be brought to life. This has been done countless times through merchandise and other forms.
This time, a Minecraft Redditor recreated a jukebox from the game. Not only is it a stunning recreation, it also works to play music. Check out the incredible result below:
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Minecraft Redditor stuns with impressive working jukebox straight out of the game
Jukeboxes are often forgotten in Minecraft for a couple of reasons. First, they're not very common, which is largely because they're not easy to make. They require a diamond and most of the time, there are better uses for a diamond than a jukebox.

Second, music disks aren't common, either. These are the only things that can be used in a jukebox, so without them there is no reason to even think of the jukebox item.
This jukebox is an excellent recreation, but the best part is that it actually plays music.
It's one thing to construct something that looks like an in-game item and it's another entirely to provide it with functionality, which this Redditor did. The jukebox actually plays music and it looks like it was pulled right out of the game. That level of craftsmanship and technical mastery doesn't come around all too often.
The community loves this post and has given it a ton of positive attention. Many comments are filled with support and appreciation.
One commenter couldn't help but think of a hilarious scenario involving the jukebox.
Others were just awestruck by the craftsmanship on display.
One player wants one for themselves and would use it frequently.
Another wants to purchase one, though this is a unique product that's not for sale.
One Minecraft gamer shared that they had seen an equally impressive version of the jukebox.
Another joked about how pricey it would be to build one with the exact Minecraft recipe.
One expected what might be the most iconic music disk in the game to start playing.
Others were impressed with how perfectly it all worked together.
One was hoping for a classic Minecraft parody to make an appearance.
Another believes Mojang could have a hit merchandising idea on their hands if they put the poster's idea into use.
The community loves this post. They gave it 2.5 thousand upvotes in less than 24 hours at the time of writing.
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