Minecraft's ladders have remained roughly the same since their introduction way back in 2010, but some players have asked for more variations from Mojang. As of the 1.20 update, ladders maintain the same appearance regardless of which wood type is used to craft them. However, one player on Reddit by the name of SmallBlueSlime used their art skills to envision new ladder types.
In a post on October 30, 2023, SmallBlueSlime shared an art piece showing new ladder variants, including ones made out of multiple wood types, iron, gold, copper, and chains.
Minecraft fans loved the concept and discussed it at length in the comments. Suffice it to say that many players had hoped for ladders like those displayed by SmallBlueSlime to be included in the vanilla version of the game.
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Minecraft fans react to the prospect of new ladder variants
Minecraft Redditors were quick to lavish praise on SmallBlueSlime's depictions of new ladder variants. Many fans wished these new ladder types were in the vanilla game, and some pointed out that mods like Quark incorporate very similar variants, albeit with slightly different textures.
Players also remarked that these new ladder variants would be particularly helpful for builds, considering that standard ladders don't exactly mesh well with certain block/decoration color schemes. Mods are certainly helpful in this regard, but not every fan has access to them based on the platform they're using, at least not for free.

One thing that players did agree on is that new ladder variants were sorely needed in Minecraft, ideally in vanilla, due to the availability of mods being spotty since some console players can only really access them with the marketplace feature. They would make for excellent means of traversal, but more importantly, a fantastic decoration that doesn't clash with a build's theme.
Since sticks are used to create ladders, some players also posited that these new ladders would likely need new stick variants to be crafted from. Whatever the case, the projections made by SmallBlueSlime certainly got players thinking about how new ladders could be implemented, although some fans lamented how Mojang would end up developing them.

Soon enough, players began to ask SmallBlueSlime if it was possible for them to use the ladder textures in their own mods and modpacks. So far, they haven't responded, but it would certainly be a boon to the community at large. Fortunately, as previously mentioned, plenty of mods and packs have introduced new ladder types that are somewhat similar to SmallBlueSlime's creations.
Whatever the case, the shared artwork may spur players to continue requesting that Mojang implement new ladder types to the vanilla game. Considering how many other blocks have received a large number of variations, it's quite surprising that ladders have remained on the back burner for so long.
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