A Minecraft player and Reddit user u/PowerPork shared pictures of a unique concept, which makes the sculk block more interesting and useful. The original poster suggested the addition of a game mechanic that makes a sculk block take over a dead bush, giving the wood a unique blue and black appearance.
This idea shows the sculk talking over surrounding areas. The user also gave this wood type the name “sculkwood.”
Reacting to this idea, user u/-PepeArown- said that the concept is great with the only exception of the stripped stem blocks. They look like stripped warped stems or cyan concrete powder.
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u/CreepyGuardian03 said that this idea makes them want sculkwood in the game, along with a deep dark forest that will have another hostile mob that uses sound to locate the players.
u/Fuocomega_7 said that the ability of sculks to revive dead bushes is an interesting idea, adding that the idea can be modified in which the sculk spreads naturally to one tree and becomes one with it.
The original poster replied, saying they made it separate from the tree so that it gets a sense of an artificial tree. This is the reason why players will also have the ability to craft sculkwood.

u/W1llis17 added more to the idea, saying that locating these trees would be a great way of locating underground cities faster. The sculk would spread from the underground structures and spread to the overworld, slowly taking over the trees of that particular area. Currently, there is no way of locating ancient cities other than just stumbling upon them.
Great game mechanics ideas by Minecraft

Minecraft players often share creative ideas for new game mechanics, aiming to make the game more fun and challenging. These ideas may not be implemented by the developers at Mojang Studios, but show the potential of the game and the involvement of the community.
Many players suggest mechanics that change how blocks behave. For example, some propose gravity-affected blocks that can collapse, adding a sense of danger to cave exploration.
Others suggest special blocks that react to nearby mobs, like pressure plates that only activate when specific creatures walk over them. These ideas add strategic elements to building and survival modes.
Mob interactions can also use some new and even radical ideas. New mob behaviors, such as wolves working together to hunt or creepers avoiding water. Others propose unique mobs with special abilities, like flying enemies that appear only at high altitudes or mobs that can build simple structures.
These ideas can make survival more challenging and the game more fun. Recently, Mojang Studios added the falling leaf effect to the game, which is a step in the right direction.
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