When players complete specific challenging activities in Minecraft or progress in the game, they are given achievements. For example, there are achievements for getting diamonds for the first time, making a pickaxe, or making bread for the first time. There are more than 120 achievements in the game, and it seems that players want more.
A Minecraft player who goes by u/paraguita on Reddit pitched the idea of adding eight new achievements on the game's subreddit. They mentioned that these achievements should already be in the game. The list included an achievement called “A Beautiful Bouquet” for collecting every flower in the game and “A Bountiful Harvest” for harvesting every crop in the blocky world.
Reacting to the idea and the post, u/TheBiggestNose said they wanted more achievements that felt like they were for something substantial and not just for doing a simple task. They added that a lot of the current ones felt like signpostings and tutorials for all the new content being added. Mojang Studios added a lot of new achievements last year.
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Another user named Sirviantis suggested that the achievement for making two skeletons fight should have the message saying “A Bone to Pick."
u/Comfortable-Mine2610 said that they loved these and they were surprised that the game did not have them already. The user mentioned how they loved the flower/tree and animal lover achievements.
The original poster replied thanking the user and added they had made some more achievements which they would post later. Another user named mekmookbro said if they remembered correctly, there was an achievement for taming all the cat variants. However, they liked the one suggested in the post better.

u/Chaanga said that this post reminded them of the BlazeandCave advancement pack. They added that it was surprising how a small addition such as these achievements could make them appreciate and enjoy the game so much more.

User u/MattTheTubaGuy agreed with the commenter, saying that was exactly what they thought. The advancements range from something very easy such as collecting flowers to things that are almost impossible, such as collecting a stack of every item and block in Minecraft.
User u/Feather_Bloom added that the achievement for taming every dog variant in the game already exists. This achievement was added last year alongside the eight new wolf variants.
New Minecraft achievements can make the game more fun

Minecraft has a system of achievements, known as advancements, that guide players through different tasks. These are like words of encouragement when someone does a task in the game for the first time. While they are simple, it is a great way of making the player feel good for their effort. However, most of these advancements are quite basic.
Some common achievements include “Stone Age,” earned by collecting stone, and “Getting an Upgrade,” given when crafting a better pickaxe. Others focus on combat, such as “Monster Hunter,” for defeating a hostile mob, and “Sniper Duel,” for hitting a skeleton from a long distance.
Minecraft also has complex achievements that require effort. “The End?” is given when a player reaches the End dimension, while “Free the End” is for defeating the Ender Dragon. “Beaconator” is earned by constructing a full beacon, which requires rare materials.
Adding new achievements will make the game more fun. Achievements for building large structures or completing challenges in different biomes should have some advancement. Perhaps Mojang Studios could take some notes from the community posts and integrate them into the game.
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