Since Minecraft introduced the deep dark biome in The Wild Update, players have theorized that the region's ancient cities may hold the secret to a new in-game dimension in a future update. Plenty of fans have pointed to a strange portal-like structure at the center of these cities. However, one player has shared their theory on what the new dimension might be like based on bedrock block placement.
On the Minecraft subreddit on November 5, 2023, user Jayn_Xyos remarked that each in-game dimension to this point had different bedrock block layer placement: at the bottom of the Overworld, the top and bottom of the Nether, and scattered in the End.
This led Jayn_Xyos to theorize that the new in-game dimension will have its bedrock layer along its ceiling.
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Minecraft fans react to Jayn_Xyos' theory about a deep dark-themed dimension
Based on Jayn_Xyos' logic, since other Minecraft dimensions have had their bedrock layers on the bottom, top/bottom, and scattered through the center, it only makes sense for a deep dark-themed dimension to have bedrock on its ceiling alone. Considering the deep dark biome is already underground, having a new dimension buried in a subterranean locale seems like a natural fit.
Jayn_Xyos coined the tentative dimension the "Underhang" and stated that they believed it would be a cavernous location complete with bioluminescent flora and fauna. Much of the landscape would essentially hang from the bedrock-lined ceiling, presumptively with the void or some form of platform below. Minecraft fans in the comments were wholeheartedly open to the idea.

Without a floor, Minecraft players theorized that fans would have to be pretty careful navigating the new dimension, as falling would undoubtedly be fatal. This could perhaps force players to use elytra flight to navigate the suspended terrain and avoid dropping into the void.
Some fans did point out that according to Mojang's in-game classifications, it's implied that the Nether is purportedly beneath the Overworld. However, they supported the idea of a deep dark dimension being even lower underneath the Nether. Many players envisioned it as a primordial point where life essentially begins, which would also tie in nicely if ancient cities could provide access to it.

One interesting topic that also arose is the subject of gravity. Some players reasoned that if the "Underhang" was effectively the center of a world, it may have the ability to invert gravity, keeping players from falling into the void and instead leading them to float to the ceiling. While this obviously doesn't check out scientifically, Minecraft isn't exactly a game predicated on realism.
Whatever the case, theories will likely continue to swirl around a potential deep dark-themed dimension. Whether Mojang chooses to implement one is anybody's guess at this point, but the chorus of voices asking the developer to hear them out is only getting louder.
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