Minecraft's April Fools' Day update is released annually, and every year, players theorize what it might mean for the future of the game. Based on this year's Poisonous Potato update for April 1, some players on the title's subreddit, like u/FallenWitness, have theorized that Mojang may be laying the groundwork for an upcoming sky dimension update.
u/FallenWitness stated in a recent post:
"Many people are of the belief that Mojang uses these joke snapshots to test experimental features to see how the community reacts; they throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks. There is a history of features from April Fools snapshots eventually working their way into the game, in one way or another. These new features are likely things they have been experimenting with for a potential future update, and they seem to have a common theme, being things you might expect to find in the sky."
Many fans appear to agree to an extent, given that the April Fools' Day update introduced a new potato-themed dimension that largely generated in sizeable sky islands.
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Others also linked a sky dimension back to the theory that the structure at the center of ancient cities is a dimensional portal. Some fans pointed out that the original developer of the Aether mod now works at Mojang.
Moreover, the recent introduction of the mace for Minecraft 1.21 and the fact that the weapon's smash attack requires players to fall in the air has players wondering if Mojang isn't thinking more vertically for its next major content update. However, it's important to note that not every April Fools' Day feature over the years makes its way into the base game, and players shouldn't get their hopes up too much.
Previous April Fools' Day updates have transitioned features to the base game including tinted glass, mob size and gravity attributes, custom dimensions, and more. However, many fans pointed out that Mojang often omits some of the most requested or well-received features from April Fools updates as well.

Minecraft's yearly April Fools' Day updates give Mojang's developers the freedom to implement a ton of compelling and fun features, but that doesn't necessarily mean they have any specific additions in mind for the base game. However, Mojang is likely keeping an eye on fan feedback on the update to help influence their developmental direction for upcoming releases.
Be that as it may, it's important to note that nothing is guaranteed when it comes to new in-game content. Still, one has to wonder, could a sky dimension be in the works for Minecraft after over a decade of speculation surrounding it?
Could a sky dimension be in the works for Minecraft in the immediate future?

Ever since Minecraft's Aether mod debuted back in July 2011 (and possibly even before that), fans have realized that a dimension in the sky had potential, especially as a more calming and pleasant alternative to the Nether. Since then, players have received the End dimension, which seems to be more space-like than sky-like, leading fans to still hope for a dimension in the clouds.
One has to wonder though, if Mojang has likely been aware that fans want a sky dimension for over a decade, and the developer hasn't implemented one, would it still be willing to do so? Some fans may be cynical about the prospect as they haven't been happy with the direction of recent updates, but it's clear from the Reddit post above that others haven't given up hope.
Given Mojang's resources, most things are certainly a possibility in Minecraft, but it remains to be seen if 13+ years of speculation ultimately end up being correct. On a long enough timeline, it's hard not to imagine a sky dimension coming to the game eventually. But is it coming soon? The only way to know is to hear the news directly from the developer. Still, the community is tenacious about this feature.
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