One of the reasons why Minecraft has stayed popular for over 15 years is because of how much creative freedom it provides. There have been a variety of builds such as large cities, computers, machines, castles, and more. Since one of the most famous cities in the world is New York City, it seems obvious that someone would build it in the game.
Minecraft player and Redditor u/d3_cent showcased their grand build on the game's subreddit. The images show different parts of New York City currently under construction at an astounding 1:1 scale, making it one of the largest builds in-game.
Reacting to the build, user u/Traveeseemo_ asked whether the city was built using a third-party tool or by hand. The original poster replied that they used tools like World Edit to make the structures.
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u/SteamyGamer-WT said that while there are similar builds, they do not have enough patience to make the interior of a battleship. Redditor u/BreeezyP added how they only make half of the exterior and just move on to the next project.

User u/cc-2347 asked whether this project was a part of building the earth in Minecraft at a 1:1 scale to which user u/Bobert59 replied affirmatively. For those unaware, there is an ongoing collaborative project in which players are building the world in Minecraft at a real scale.

u/iTheLizardWizard asked if it was just Manhattan or the entire New York City. The original poster clarified they are building all of the city but none of the regions have been finished yet.

According to u/d3_cent, the project could use some help from other builders. Looking to explore the build, u/Actual_Rat said they would love to find their house on the map.
Large city builds in Minecraft

Recently, another build amazed the community as it was an entirely fictional country made inside the game. Redditor u/Whiffdog_ spent over 10 years building this country with proper cities, castles, highway systems, and more.
Apart from showing how passionate gamers are, it also underscores the potential of Minecraft. The game allows limitless possibilities that are only bound by player creativity.
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