Minecraft recently got a new snapshot that changed something very specific in the game, i.e. how the spawn eggs look. Instead of having a texture that resembles the mob, the eggs now have a more defined texture, which makes it easier to know what kind of mob the egg will spawn. However, players have noted something hilarious about the new designs.
Following the update, a Minecraft player going by the name u/BlueDias_DB shared a screenshot of the new spawn eggs, with a hilarious caption. It pointed out that these new designs make it seem like every spawn egg has a large nose on it. From the wandering trader to the zombie and even the iron golem, every egg has the characteristic large nose.
Reacting to the post, u/MrMangobrick said that these new designs looked like the face of Tim Lockwood from the movie, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. Tim, the main character’s father in the movie, had an egg-like head and a large nose. u/Littlemrh_ replied to the comment, remarking that this comparison was very accurate.
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u/Epic-Dude001 observed that the design of dads in Pixar movies was the same as the new spawn egg textures. u/Dasher-284 also referenced Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, citing it as a perfect example of this, although it wasn't a Pixar Movie.

u/Ill-Advisor-3429 was not a big fan of the change, saying that while it makes a lot of sense from a design and accessibility context, they didn't personally like it.
u/Gavinator10000 disagreed, explaining that they found the old designs frustrating. The user added that with so many spawn eggs, things got confusing since the color palettes of many mobs overlapped.
u/Tryppo-Music said the new designs reminded them of the Easter Island Heads emoji.

Meanwhile, u/LightSkyGuyn said they wished every egg had a more consistent size and shape. The user continued that the elder guardian egg looks disgusting but the design for the warden spawn egg is great.
u/Stinky_Toes12 asked what was the mob spawn egg in the middle left of the grid. u/radiating_phoenix answered that it was for the ravager mob.

Overall, the reactions to the change were pretty mixed. u/PeterPorker52 said they are happy that Mojang Studios is finally adding a goofy feature after so many years. On the flip side, u/TylertheFloridaman said that while they understood the practicality of it, they still found designs ugly. u/Bit_Happy04 said they look hilarious but they would take it for the convenience.
New and exciting updates for Minecraft

Mojang Studios is on a roll, adding new features while improving the already present ones. The year started with the announcement of some great update drops that focused on increasing the diversity of mobs and improving the ambiance of the overworld.
The latest snapshot changed the design of all the mob spawn eggs in Minecraft, and most of the fans love the redesign. Considering there are so many mobs, finding the exact spawn egg that all have the same design but slightly different colors can be quite challenging. Spawn eggs that look like the mob are not only cute but also add a character to the items.
Apart from this change, Survival mode players in Minecraft are also getting some nice features. The wolf variants are getting a new sound personality, independent of their variant. This feature will further improve the diversity in the game and make exploration more fun. Even the leaf litter item will have a different color depending on the biome it spawns in.
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