Minecraft's Poisonous Potato update, released for April Fool's Day 2024, has plenty of potato-themed goodness for players to enjoy. Among its wacky features are an entire poisonous potato dimension, several new potato-themed blocks, items, mobs, and even a custom boss. There are even a few new weapons to wield while exploring the poisonous potato dimension.
While the variety of new weapons in the Poisonous Potato update isn't quite as robust as other new additions to the game for April Fool's Day, the collection is still worth looking into. Some weapons are particularly useful for battling mobs in the potato dimension, and others can be pretty fun to use in general, even outside of the joke dimension that Mojang set up for players.
Listing the new weapons of Minecraft's Poisonous Potato update
Poisonous Potato Hammer

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Crafted by combining a blaze rod and a poisonous potato in Minecraft, the poisonous potato hammer deals impressive melee damage (100 damage per strike) and is also naturally enchanted with Knockback X, sending nearly any target struck by it careening away from the user.
Even better, the poisonous potato hammer has a random chance of throwing a Lingering Potion of Poison at the target. Although some mobs have resistance to Poison, the fact that this weapon deals considerably high base damage in melee combat while also knocking targets back a large distance makes it a compelling melee option overall.
Hot Potato

Created by either throwing a poisonous potato into lava in a Minecraft world or combining a poisonous potato with a lava bucket in a crafting table, hot potatoes aren't used like typical weapons. Instead, they rely on being thrown and picked up by other players in PvP situations since mobs can't take damage from them. As one might expect, holding a hot potato for too long has unfortunate consequences.
While held in a player's inventory, the hot potato deals fire damage every tick until the holder disposes of it. The damage increases over time, beginning with zero damage. However, it grows to one damage point after 20 ticks and increases by one point every 40 ticks afterward until it reaches its maximum damage value of five fire damage per tick.
It's unfortunate that these hot potatoes don't damage mobs. However, they can be a fun way to enjoy a PvP minigame between friends to see who survives the longest in a multiplayer arena of flying hot potatoes.
Potato Peeler

Crafted by combining a stick and a pair of shears, the potato peeler is the ultimate potato mob-slaying weapon. Although it only does two points of damage by default, this peeler deals an extra 10 damage points to potato-themed mobs found in the poisonous potato dimension in the Minecraft April Fool's Day snapshot. 12 damage per attack is substantial, and the peeler can even be enchanted.
Overall, the potato peeler can be enchanted with the following enchantments:
- Fire Aspect
- Looting
- Unbreaking
- Sharpness
- Smite
- Bane of Arthropods
- Knockback
- Mending
- Curse of Vanishing
- Sweeping Edge
- Potatofication
Although the potato peeler likely won't be an ideal weapon for traversing the Overworld, Nether, or End. When dealing with the potato-themed mobs in this Minecraft snapshot's custom dimension, though, it's the perfect melee weapon for players to have.
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