Minecraft potion guide: Potion chart, recipes, materials, and more

Minecraft potion guide: How to make potions in Minecraft
Understanding Minecraft potions is a key element to high-level survival (Image via Mojang)

Potions are an interesting feature in Minecraft, with incredibly powerful and handy effects, along with some cripplingly dangerous ones as well. However, they are all locked behind a genuinely confusing network of recipes, brewing ingredients, and even brewing orders. This can make getting a particular potion confusing, even for long-term veterans of the game.


Detailed below is the recipe for every potion in Minecraft, along with the potion's effects and other utility uses, if applicable.

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How to brew potions in Minecraft

How to make base potions in Minecraft

A Minecraft potion chart (Image via Reddit user MayankWolf)
A Minecraft potion chart (Image via Reddit user MayankWolf)

There's quite a bit of information to learn about potion brewing in Mineraft. The first thing to do is get a brewing stand to actually do any alchemy. These can either be crafted using cobblestone and blaze rods, which require a trip to the Nether dimension, or they can be looted from churches found in villages; yet another reason these amazing Minecraft structures are among the best.

The brewing chart for the Minecraft Tricky Trials potions (Images via Mojang)
The brewing chart for the Minecraft Tricky Trials potions (Images via Mojang)

Unfortunately, visiting the Nether is still required, even if you can obtain a brewing stand from a village. This is because blaze powder, required to power the brewing process, can only be obtained by converting blaze rods, which are found in Nether fortresses.


Additionally, there's only a single potion that doesn't use an awkward potion as a base. Awkward potions are brewed using netherwart, another reason that the Nether is a required stop before brewing is possible.

How to make Potion of Slow Falling

Brewing a potion of slow falling (Image via Mojang)
Brewing a potion of slow falling (Image via Mojang)
  • Brewing Ingredient: Phantom Membrane
  • Base Potion: Awkward Potion
  • Base duration: 1:30
  • Can be powered up: No
  • Can be extended: Yes
  • Extended Duration: 4:00
  • Reverses into: N/A

Potions of slow falling are the single best justification for phantoms being in the game. The phantom membranes they drop can be used to create slow-fall potions, useful for avoiding gravity-based accidents before an elytra can be acquired.

In fact, slow-fall potions are incredibly useful for Minecraft's ender dragon fight due to removing the one truly deadly attack the dragon has.

How to make Potion of the Turtle Master

Turtle master potions are a niche use of turtle shells (Image via Mojang)
Turtle master potions are a niche use of turtle shells (Image via Mojang)
  • Brewing Ingredient: Turtle Shell
  • Base Potion: Awkward Potion
  • Base duration: 0:20
  • Can be powered up: Yes
  • Can be extended: Yes
  • Extended Duration: 0:40
  • Reverses into: N/A

The turtle master potion is unique in that it's the only potion with both positive and negative effects. It slows mobs by 60% by default while also reducing damage taken by 60%.

When powered up with glowstone, the effect reduces speed by a whopping 90% while increasing damage resistance by 80%. This is the best defense for players available, outside of Minecraft's customizable shields.

How to make Potion of Invisibility

Invisibility potions are the corrupted version of night vision potions (Image via Mojang)
Invisibility potions are the corrupted version of night vision potions (Image via Mojang)
  • Brewing Ingredient: Fermented Spider Eye
  • Base Potion: Potion of Night Vision
  • Base duration: 3:00
  • Can be powered up: No
  • Can be extended: Yes
  • Extended Duration: 8:00

Potions of invisibility are an interesting potion due to not being brewable in the traditional sense. Instead, they are only accessible by inverting a potion of night vision with a fermented spider eye.

The logic here is that seeing in the dark becomes the ability to go unseen at all, which, while not the most logical assumption, is quite fun.

How to make Potion of Night Vision

Night vision potions are a secondary benefit of golden carrots (Image via Mojang)
Night vision potions are a secondary benefit of golden carrots (Image via Mojang)
  • Brewing Ingredient: Golden Carrot
  • Base Potion: Awkward Potion
  • Base duration: 3:00
  • Can be powered up: No
  • Can be extended: Yes
  • Extended Duration: 8:00
  • Reverses into: Potion of Invisibility

Night vision potions, as the name implies, make it considerably easier to see at night and in dark environments such as caves, ancient cities, or the Nether dimension.

In gameplay terms, this sets the visuals of the world to as if everything were light level 15, as seen through Minecraft's debug screen. Additionally, lava is given an orange shine.

How to make Potion of Water Breathing

Pufferfish might be poisonous, but they're also useful alchemical ingredients (Image via Mojang)
Pufferfish might be poisonous, but they're also useful alchemical ingredients (Image via Mojang)
  • Brewing Ingredient: Pufferfish
  • Base Potion: Awkward Potion
  • Base duration: 3:00
  • Can be powered up: No
  • Can be extended: Yes
  • Extended Duration: 8:00
  • Reverses into: N/A

Water-breathing potions are amazing for taking on ocean monuments or setting up Minecraft guardian farms after their elder guardians have been defeated. These potions function as temporary conduits, allowing players to breathe underwater as if it were the surface.

How to make Potion of Regeneration

Crafting a regeneration potion using a ghast tear (Image via Mojang)
Crafting a regeneration potion using a ghast tear (Image via Mojang)
  • Brewing Ingredient: Ghast Tear
  • Base Potion: Awkward Potion
  • Base duration: 0:45
  • Can be powered up: Yes
  • Can be extended: Yes
  • Extended Duration: 1:30
  • Reverses into: N/A

Regeneration potions will restore nine hearts in both their base and powered-up forms. The difference is the speed at which they return the health. Base regen potions restore the hearts over 45 seconds, while the improved potion only takes 22.5 seconds.

Extended potions are different on Java and Bedrock. On Java, they restore 18 hearts over a minute and a half. On Bedrock, they restore 24 hearts over two minutes. This makes regeneration potions inarguably better on Minecraft Bedrock than on Java.


How to make Potion of Poison

Poison potions are one of only two damaging potion types (Image via Mojang)
Poison potions are one of only two damaging potion types (Image via Mojang)
  • Brewing Ingredient: Spider Eye
  • Base Potion: Awkward Potion
  • Base duration: 0:45
  • Can be powered up: Yes
  • Can be extended: Yes
  • Extended Duration: 1:30
  • Reverses into: Potion of Harming

Poison potions are one of only two directly damaging potions. They deal 18 hearts of damage at the base, though they cannot reduce an entity to below half a heart. When extended, this damage is increased up to 36 hearts on Java, or 48 hearts of damage on Bedrock.

Poison II potions both reduce targets by 19 hearts, with the same half-heart minimum health cap. However, on Java, they deal this damage over only 21.6 seconds. This time is 22.5 seconds on Bedrock, only a hair slower.


How to make Potion of Fire Resistance

Fire resistance potions are a great first potion to brew (Image via Mojang)
Fire resistance potions are a great first potion to brew (Image via Mojang)
  • Brewing Ingredient: Magma Cream
  • Base Potion: Awkward Potion
  • Base duration: 3:00
  • Can be powered up: No
  • Can be extended: Yes
  • Extended Duration: 8:00
  • Reverses into: N/A

Fire resistance potions are amazing potions for exploring the Nether. They reduce all fire-related damage to zero. This includes damage from lava, fire, and even blaze attacks.

This makes them amazing first potions to brew, as it makes a return trip for more potion crafting ingredients much safer than it would otherwise be and can even make constructing a Minecraft Nether base a breeze.

How to make Potion of Harming

Potions of harming are the most lethal potion type (Image via Mojang)
Potions of harming are the most lethal potion type (Image via Mojang)
  • Brewing Ingredient: Fermented Spider Eye
  • Base Potion: Potion of Poison or Potion of Healing
  • Base duration: N/A
  • Can be powered up: Yes
  • Can be extended: No
  • Extended Duration: N/A

Potions of harming are another corrupted potion. They are brewed from potions of poison or healing using a fermented spider eye. Base potions of harming instantly deal three hearts of damage, being doubled up to six hearts with the use of glowstone while brewing.

How to make Potion of Healing

Brewing a potion of health using a glistering melon slice (Image via Mojang)
Brewing a potion of health using a glistering melon slice (Image via Mojang)
  • Brewing Ingredient: Glistering Melon Slice
  • Base Potion: Awkward Potion
  • Base duration: N/A
  • Can be powered up: Yes
  • Can be extended: No
  • Extended Duration: N/A
  • Reverses into: Potion of Harming

Potions of healing are the inverse of harming potions. They instantly restore health when consumed. Their base level restores two hearts of health. Using a glowstone to power up a health potion will increase this healing to four hearts.

How to make Potion of Strength

Strength potions are one of the most useful Minecraft potions (Image via Mojang)
Strength potions are one of the most useful Minecraft potions (Image via Mojang)
  • Brewing Ingredient: Blaze Powder
  • Base Potion: Awkward Potion
  • Base duration: 3:00
  • Can be powered up: Yes
  • Can be extended: Yes
  • Extended Duration: 8:00
  • Reverses into: N/A

Strength potions are one of the best potions to make for survival players. They make even Minecraft's deadliest mobs much more manageable by increasing melee damage. The calculations for this are different on Java and Bedrock.

Java Edition strength potions increase melee damage by 1.5 hearts by default and by three hearts when powered up. Bedrock strength potions increase damage by 30% plus half a heart by default, and 69% plus 0.65 hearts when powered up using glowstone.


How to make Potion of Leaping

Rabbit's feet are useful for more than just luck in Minecraft (Image via Mojang)
Rabbit's feet are useful for more than just luck in Minecraft (Image via Mojang)
  • Brewing Ingredient: Rabbit's Foot
  • Base Potion: Awkward Potion
  • Base duration: 3:00
  • Can be powered up: Yes
  • Can be extended: Yes
  • Extended Duration: 8:00
  • Reverses into: Potion of Slowness

Potions of leaping are interesting mobility potions often seen in Minecraft's best parkour maps to help make larger jumps possible. Their base effect increases the player's jumping ability by half a block while also reducing fall damage. The powered-up potion increases this jump boost to 2.5 blocks and makes fall damage even less dangerous.

This makes them amazing potions to combine with the new Minecraft mace weapon, which gets bonus damage the farther the player falls before hitting a target.


How to make Potion of Slowness

Slowness potions are the final inverted potion type (Image via Mojang)
Slowness potions are the final inverted potion type (Image via Mojang)
  • Brewing Ingredient: Fermented Spider Eye
  • Base Potion: Potion of Swiftness or Potion of Leaping
  • Base duration: 1:30
  • Can be powered up: Yes
  • Can be extended: Yes
  • Extended Duration: 4:00

Potions of slowness are another potion that can only be obtained by corrupting other potions with fermented spider eyes. These base potions are swiftness and leaping potions.

Potions of slowness will reduce speed by 15% by default but can be powered up to level IV with glowstone. This more powerful effect lasts for only 20 seconds but slows mobs by 60%.

How to make Potion of Swiftness

Swiftness potions are the more useful mobility potion (Image via Mojang)
Swiftness potions are the more useful mobility potion (Image via Mojang)
  • Brewing Ingredient: Sugar
  • Base Potion: Awkward Potion
  • Base duration: 3:00
  • Can be powered up: Yes
  • Can be extended: Yes
  • Extended Duration: 8:00
  • Reverses into: Potion of Slowness

Swiftness potions are buff potions that increase speed and jump distance by 20% at level one. Using glowstone to power the potion up will make a potion of swiftness II, which increases speed and jump distance by 40% instead, though for only a minute and a half rather than three minutes.

How to make Potion of Weakness

Brewing a weakness potion using a water bottle and fermented spider eye (Image via Mojang)
Brewing a weakness potion using a water bottle and fermented spider eye (Image via Mojang)
  • Brewing Ingredient: Fermented Spider Eye
  • Base Potion: Water Bottle
  • Base duration: 1:30
  • Can be powered up: No
  • Can be extended: Yes
  • Extended Duration: 4:00
  • Reverses into: N/A

Potions of weakness are unique for many reasons. The first, and much more minor reason, is that they are currently the only potion brewed using a regular water bottle as a base, rather than an awkward potion. The second reason for weakness potions being unique is that they are one of two ingredients used to cure zombie Minecraft villagers, with the other ingredient being a golden apple.

Outside of their utility, weakness potions will reduce melee damage by two hearts in Java Edition or by 20% of the base damage plus a quarter heart in Bedrock Edition.


How to make Potion of Wind Charging

Brewing a wind-charged potion using a breeze rod (Image via Mojang)
Brewing a wind-charged potion using a breeze rod (Image via Mojang)
  • Brewing Ingredient: Breeze Rod
  • Base Potion: Awkward Potion
  • Base duration: 3:00
  • Can be powered up: No
  • Can be extended: No
  • Extended Duration: N/A
  • Reverses into: N/A

Potions of wind charging will cause slain mobs to generate a wind burst on death, similar to the Minecraft wind charges obtainable from killing the new breeze mob.

This potion effect can cause already hectic Minecraft trial chambers to become even more confusing, as mobs will constantly be flying around randomly.

How to make Potion of Weaving

Using cobweb to make a weaving potion (Image via Mojang)
Using cobweb to make a weaving potion (Image via Mojang)
  • Brewing Ingredient: Cobweb
  • Base Potion: Awkward Potion
  • Base duration: 3:00
  • Can be powered up: No
  • Can be extended: No
  • Extended Duration: N/A
  • Reverses into: N/A

Potions of weaving are another Minecraft Tricky Trials potion. Any mob with the weaving effect will explode out into two to three cobwebs on death. These consumables are unique in that they are the only way to farm cobwebs. This is a niche utility, but worth mentioning, as cobwebs weren't farmable before.

How to make Potion of Infestation

Using stone to brew an infested potion (Image via Mojang)
Using stone to brew an infested potion (Image via Mojang)
  • Brewing Ingredient: Stone
  • Base Potion: Awkward Potion
  • Base duration: 3:00
  • Can be powered up: No
  • Can be extended: No
  • Extended Duration: N/A
  • Reverses into: N/A

Infestation potions are the third new Minecraft 1.21 potion. Afflicted mobs have a 5% chance to spawn one to three silverfish, one of the game's weakest mobs when hurt.

This can cause fights to quickly become lethal due to overwhelming numbers, especially if this effect is randomly thrown out as part of a Minecraft ominous event.

How to make Potion of Oozing

A slime block brewing an oozing potion (Image via Mojang)
A slime block brewing an oozing potion (Image via Mojang)
  • Brewing Ingredient: Slime Block
  • Base Potion: Awkward Potion
  • Base duration: 3:00
  • Can be powered up: No
  • Can be extended: No
  • Extended Duration: N/A
  • Reverses into: N/A

Potions of oozing are the final new Tricky Trials potion. They cause affected mobs to spawn medium slimes upon death. This means that splash potions of oozing can quickly turn a slime ball profit, giving players a convenient new way to farm Minecraft slime.

How to make Potion Variants

Brewing splash potions with gunpowder (Image via Mojang)
Brewing splash potions with gunpowder (Image via Mojang)

Outside of base potions, five different variants can be brewed using other ingredients. These ingredients include redstone dust, which can extend the duration of most amazing Minecraft potions. The next extra optional ingredient is glowstone dust, which increases a potion's level if it has another level.


The next optional brewing ingredient is gunpowder. This will convert a regular potion into a splash potion. Splash potions allow potion effects to be applied to several different Minecraft mobs all at once. This is one of the most useful variants of a potion since most helpful effects are harmful to enemies, such as slowing, poison, and weakness.

In Bedrock Edition, splash potions only have three-fourths of the potion's regular duration.

A lingering potion effect on the ground (Image via Mojang)
A lingering potion effect on the ground (Image via Mojang)

The second-to-last optional brewing item is dragon's breath. This item can be collected during the fight against Minecraft's ender dragon using glass bottles. It converts splash potions into lingering potions. These potions act like the dragon's breath attack, leaving an area of effect on the ground that both passive and hostile Minecraft mobs can potentially wander into.


Lingering potions only have one-fourth of the regular duration of the potion. And unlike splash potions, this reduction applies to both versions of the game.

How to corrupt potions in Minecraft

The final extra potion ingredient is the most interesting in terms of application. This ingredient is fermented spider eye. This item will invert the effect of most potions when used. For example, potions of strength would become potions of weakness, and potions of swiftness would become potions of slowness. Interestingly, invisibility is considered the corrupted version of night vision.

Potion EffectBase IngredientEffect When Corrupted
Jump BoostRabbit's FootSlowness
Instant HealthGlistering Melon SliceInstant Damage
PoisonSpider EyeInstant Damage
Night VisionGolden CarrotInvisibility
StrengthBlaze PowderWeakness

Not every potion has a corrupted or inverted variant, however. Water breathing, fire resistance, regeneration, slowness, resistance, and slow-falling potions all lack a corrupted variant and cannot be combined with fermented spider eyes.

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Edited by Ashmita Bhatt
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