"Is it common to build under the End?" asked Minecraft Redditor Majemano_o as they posted a video to r/MinecraftBuilds on March 6, 2022, showcasing a trophy room they had constructed underneath the main island of the End.
Across from what appears to be a tree farm or player-made park, the Minecraft player's trophy room stands tall, hovering above the void that encompasses much of the End.
Descending an obsidian-covered chute, the player enters the well-decorated trophy room. Inside, watchers see the heads of various creatures, including the Ender Dragon and standard hostile mobs, as well as items such as the Totem of Undying.
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Redditors react to the End trophy room in Minecraft

Reactions on the Minecraft subreddit were resoundingly positive, although some users felt a little anxious about the way that Majemano_o presented their video.
In particular, many players were a little unnerved by how quickly Majemano_o ran about on their walkway underneath the End. Without railings or any kind of protective safeguards, one poor step could've resulted in the player falling into the void below the End, though their Elytra would have probably protected them.
Majemano_o themselves were silent when it came to replies, but the outpouring of user responses were still very sufficient to show how interesting the subreddit found the build to be.
Considering that many builds are posted to r/MinecraftBuilds daily, that's certainly saying something. In a space where builders are constantly uploading their creations, any and all positive reactions can allow a player's build to stand out.
This has appeared to be the case with the End trophy room, as some players even remarked that they felt inspired to try similar builds after watching Majemano_o's video.
Though many players were inspired by the build, there was one unanimous suggestion among commenters: building some form of safety measure to keep the player from plunging to their death.

The build's thin, one-block wide walkways stirred anxiety in many reactions. However, Majemano_o have been mum so far on what their future plans are for the build or if they are completely satisfied with it.
In addition to the trophy room, Majemano_o recently created and posted an area customizer within a base and allowed a small-scale biome to be generated at the push of a button. This was created partially by using console commands, but it's still a magnificent creation to behold.
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