A Minecraft Redditor by the name of u/mattbatwings2 has recently created a fully playable chess game with just redstone components. For those unaware, it is extremely difficult to create complex redstone contraptions without using command blocks. This makes this chess game even more impressive.
As seen in the post above, this chessboard is truly complex, with many different options. This board even allows Minecraft players to perform the castle maneuver, which must've been extremely difficult to program. It is one of the most impressive redstone contraptions seen on the Minecraft Reddit.
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Redditor creates a playable chess game with just redstone in Minecraft
The post

The post begins with a bird's-eye view of the whole chessboard. It is obvious that the original poster (OP) put a lot of work into the design of this build, as it is very pleasing to the eye.
The OP then begins to showcase the mechanics of the build. Each piece moves by the press of a button located on each square. To move a piece, the OP presses one button that the piece is located on and presses another button on the square in which they want the piece to move. This is an extremely fluid design that allows for an easy Minecraft chess match.
The chess build is so advanced that it even has a built-in castle mechanic, which is a way to protect the King piece. This is just the icing on the cake for this amazing, fully redstone Minecraft chess game.
Due to the sheer impressiveness of this build, the post managed to gain an immense 18,000 thousand upvotes in only one day. Many Minecraft Redditors had a lot to say about this chessboard.

In this thread, the OP provides more information on this fantastic Minecraft build. They state that this build does not check if the move is legal or not, hoping that players will stick to the true rules of chess.
Making the chessboard check for legal moves would make the game run a lot slower, which is not recommended for a fun experience.

One Minecraft Redditor recommends that the OP builds a chess clock for players who enjoy playing timed chess.
This is a fantastic idea, and it shouldn't be too difficult to create with some simple redstone.

Another Minecraft Redditor questioned if this redstone chessboard checks for legal moves, which the OP clarified earlier.
If the OP decided to add rules to this Minecraft chess game, it would run extremely slow. This will not be a fun experience for players looking to play a quick game of chess.

A few Minecraft Redditors complimented this build by stating that they couldn't even create this chess game with actual code.
Realistically, it should be easier to code a chess game than to create it in redstone, which is why this build is so impressive.
The following reactions are notable mentions from this post:

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