A Minecraft Redditor who goes by u/SerbixTheJuan has recently discovered that llama spit follows projectile physics, meaning it can be deflected. Minecraft players can compare this mechanic to the ghast fireballs, which can be deflected back to kill it.
As seen in the post above, the original poster (OP) deflected a llama's spit projectile with a cooked steak. The choice to use a cooked steak is quite interesting. However, at least they aren't using a weapon or tool as it would degrade the durability.
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Minecraft Redditor showcases how to deflect a llama's spit
The Post

The post begins with the OP having a staredown with a llama. Soon after that, the llama spits at the player and misses. The OP patiently waits for the next spit attack to showcase a newly discovered move - the spit deflect.
The Bedrock edition of Minecraft allows llama spit to has the "reflect_on_hurt" NBT tag, which means that a llama's spit can be reflected at it, similar to a ghast fireball. Unfortunately, the spit projectile in the Java Edition of Minecraft does not have this quality.
After deflecting the llama's first shot, it becomes apparent that deflected spit also does damage once it hits a mob. The OP decides to use a cooked steak to deflect the projectile, which seems like it should ruin the quality of the steak as it is covered in spit.
After deflecting a few more shots back at the llama, it finally dies. This proves that spit deflection is doing damage and does not act like the snowballs thrown by the snowman mob.
Due to the nature of this post, it managed to gain a massive 20,400 upvotes in only two days. Many Minecraft Redditors had a lot to say about this post.

The top comment on this point brings up a point that was stated earlier. Out of all of the items to use to deflect llama spit, the OP decides to use their only source of food. They could've easily used their spit, which would've been much more practical.

One Redditor questions whether there is a property that defines how a projectile can be deflected.
Luckily, this was already discussed above. All projectiles that have the "reflect_on_hurt" NBT tag can be deflected when hit by the player. This means that Minecraft modders can alter the mechanics of projectiles that do not have this tag enabled.

Minecraft Bedrock players looking to fight the Wither will be pleased to know that the blue skulls can be deflected back at the Wither, dealing damage.
While this will likely be a tough challenge to take on, it is unclear if the blue skull will do a lot of damage to the Wither.

It would be hilarious if Mojang added a death message for killing a player with a deflected llama spit. However, it is unlikely that this would ever happen.
The following reactions are notable mentions from the Minecraft post

It will be interesting to discover how Minecraft Bedrock players take advantage of this humorous feature.
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