A Minecraft Redditor by the name of u/NilsTheBest has recently created a fantastic contraption that is used to collect music discs.
As seen in the post above, the original poster (OP) creates a music disc farm by trapping a skeleton and creeper in small rooms. The skeleton is perfectly set up to shoot the creeper once it reaches a certain point. Luckily, the OP provides a build tutorial for other Minecraft players who are interested in collecting the various music discs found in the game.
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Minecraft Redditor builds a mob farm to collect music discs
The Post

The post begins with the OP detailing how to build this amazing contraption. For once, a Minecraft player decided to make their mob farm look aesthetically pleasing.
This mob trap works by luring a creeper into the trap. Since the player provides only one pathway for the creeper to go, it will always travel through that path.
OP made this pathway retractable using pistons, and once the creeper travels on top of the path, the OP pulls a lever which causes the creeper to drop down. However, it seems that this could be made more efficient by using pressure plates to automatically drop the pathway.
After falling into the trap, the creeper is pushed by water into a small room. A skeleton is also lured into another small room which is located right behind the creeper.
The OP aggros the skeleton so that it is ready to fire, and walks in front of the creeper. Since the creeper takes some damage from the trap, the skeleton is able to one-shot the creeper, causing it to drop a music disc.
Unfortunately, the OP only receives the common "cat" music disc from this specific creeper.
Due to the creative aspect of this post, it managed to gain a solid 911 upvotes in one day. A few Minecraft Redditors had interesting things to say about this awesome contraption.

The OP is aware that their contraption is not as efficient as it can be. However, the OP is happy with their creation, as they should be.
Either way, the OP actually made this contraption look nice, which nullifies the fact that it isn't super efficient. It is still a great contraption nonetheless.

Of course, a Minecraft Redditor had to critique this creeper catcher.
These critcisms are certainly true, as the player has to manually lure a creeper and skeleton for the build to function. It would be interesting to see this contraption fully automated.

One Minecraft Redditor questions the OP on why they included lava in this build.
The OP bluntly states that it was only for decoration, and there is nothing wrong with that. It is obvious that the OP specializes in decoration rather than redstone skills.

Another way to farm music discs is to lure a bunch of creepers into a pit and have a skeleton shoot through lava at a TNT near them.
Shooting through lava will cause an arrow to catch fire, which will set off the TNT which kills all of the creepers. However, it seems like OP's method is the better method to farm music discs.
The following reactions are notable mentions from the Minecraft post:

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