A Minecraft Redditor by the name of u/vk6_ has recently created one of the most interesting redstone contraptions on Reddit. The build's function is to duplicate/convert concrete powder into solid concrete. However, the OP decides to use some interesting methods to achieve this effect.
Seen in the video above, the original poster (OP) uses some unorthodox methods to convert concrete powder into solid concrete. Apparently, blocks can be teleported into The End by being pushed into an end portal.
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Minecraft Redditor showcases a fully automatic concrete duper
The Post

The post begins with a view of a complicated redstone contraption next to a broken end portal. For those unaware, end portal blocks can be destroyed by growing a giant mushroom under them.
The contraption next to the portal is used to push concrete powder into the end portal, which teleports the blocks into The End. Many Minecraft players may have been unaware of this feature since this method is not used often.
Once the concrete powder is sent into The End, it falls into another contraption that contains water, which is used to convert the concrete powder into solid concrete.
After the conversion, the solid concrete is pushed into an open area, where it is destroyed with TNT. The solid concrete item is then sucked into hoppers, where it is sent into a chest. This is quite an unusual way to farm concrete in Minecraft.
Due to the unique and interesting features of this build, it managed to gain a solid 10.4 thousand upvotes in only one day. Many Minecraft Redditors had a lot to say about this concrete converter.

The top comment of this post highlights the abundance of negative comments that were left. Apparently Minecraft Redditors were upset that a tutorial for this build was already up on YouTube. Either way, it takes extreme skill and patience to build this contraption.

The OP also graciously provides Minecraft Redditors with the download link. This is great for players who are interested in learning how to create some of the unique contraptions seen in the post. The download link can be found here.
Another Redditor simply thanked the OP for providing the download link.

One Minecraft Redditor has some beef with a few survival streamers who apparently disagree with the usage of block dupers. These players are most likely jealous that they have to spend 1000 hours collecting sand, gravel, and dye.

OP responds to the "cheating" accusation by simply stating that anything that can be built in survival cannot be considered cheating.
OP isn't cheating by duplicating concrete, he is just taking advantage of the game mechanics to create an amazing machine.
The following reactions are notable mentions from the post

Also read: Top 5 Minecraft mega builds on YouTube
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