A Minecraft Redditor by the name of u/theotterfox has recently showcased their amazing turtle farm in which hundreds of turtles can be seen swimming in a large ocean. Most Minecraft players have likely never seen this many turtles in one spot before.
As seen in the post above, the original poster (OP) built a large turtle farm. The specifics of this farm will be detailed below. Nevertheless, the farm may have worked better than the OP had intended it to, with hundreds of turtles beautifully filling up an ocean.
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Minecraft Redditor showcases their highly effective turtle farm
The Post

The post begins with the OP providing an exterior view of the turtle farm. The OP uses fences as walls, with the intention of having the walls prevent any undead mobs from entering the farm.
While the walls look good, the main focus is on what's inside the water. While the OP doesn't explain exactly how this farm was built, Minecraft players who have an understanding of how turtle farms work will be able to decipher the mechanics behind this farm.
Basically, the OP used seagrass to lead two turtles to an area that is fenced in. Once these turtles mate, the offspring of that couple will always come to the same spot to lay eggs.
The eggs of the first offspring will also always come back to the same spot to lay eggs and so on, creating a neverending cycle of turtles leaving and entering the farm.
Due to the shock value of this post, it managed to gain 334 upvotes in one day. A few Minecraft Redditors had something to say about the entertaining post.

The top comment on the post featured a Minecraft Redditor who was curious as to how that many turtles could be spawned.
Players can take this farm even further by creating a hopper contraption that allows the player to collect scutes, which can be used to craft a turtle helmet.

A Minecraft Redditor by the name of nathanael21688 seemed to be very shocked at the post.
This is not surprising, as no one expects to see hundreds of turtles swimming around in an ocean in the game. It is certainly quite a sight to behold...

The turtle farm was unambiguously successful and whether the OP likes it or not, they now have hundreds of turtles swimming around in their waters.
It would be hard to find a reason (besides lag) to not want all of these turtle friends hanging around.

Another Minecraft Redditor joked about the Save the Turtles movement, which was a movement that raised awareness for turtle safety.
OP would certainly make the Save the Turtles foundation proud with his work.
The following reactions are notable mentions from the post:

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