Minecraft Redditors have been creating redstone computers since the subreddit's conception. However, not many players have created tiny redstone computers that are aesthetically pleasing as well. In fact, most redstone computers usually end up looking like a massive structure made out of redstone spaghetti.
The post above showcases one of the first tiny redstone computers found on the Minecraft subreddit. It looks very similar to a real PC, especially with the window showcasing all of the internals. The original poster (OP) has really outdone themselves with this amazing build.
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Micro redstone computer in Minecraft has redditors in awe
The Post

The post begins with a wide cinematic shot of the aesthetically pleasing redstone computer. The OP claims that this is the smallest redstone computer that they have created, with all of the internals nicely compacted into a structure that looks similar to a PC case.
The OP explains that this is a 4-bit computer that operates at 0.55 Hz. For players curious, a modern CPU will run at about 3.3 GHz, which is billions of times faster than this computer.
Nevertheless, it is extremely impressive that a functioning CPU can be created in Minecraft, especially at the tiny size of the one seen in the post.
This computer can even perform simple arithmetic like addition and subtraction, displaying the digits on a monitor not too far away.
Overall, this build is absolutely phenomenal and deserves more attention than it currently has.
Due to the extremely impressive nature of this post, it managed to gain a solid 5.6 thousand upvotes in only one day. Many Minecraft Redditors had a lot to say about this tiny redstone computer.

The Minecraft subreddit seems to be providing a constant reality check to players who believe they are great at redstone building. However, it is never good for players to get lost in comparing themselves to others. Instead, they should marvel at the brilliance of the creation, and realize that it is possible to reach that level of skill by putting in the practice.

One Redditor jokes about the fact that redstone computers are increasingly getting smaller, which is similar to computers in real life.
However, smartphones seem almost impossible to build in Minecraft due to their small size. Smartphones can be created with mods, however.

Most players have no idea how computers are created, as well as how it is possible to create one in Minecraft.
Redstone and its various components allow for the creation of logic gates, which are the basis of computing. Logic gates are located on microchips, which allow for the manipulation of binary numbers. Redstone acts in an almost identical way.

Imagine a Minecraft player creating a playable Minecraft game within the actual game. That would be considered a Minecraft-ception.
Seeing that these computer builds are becoming increasingly more complex, one simply cannot rule out the possibility of a Minecraft within Minecraft.
The following reactions are notable mentions from the post:

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