Much has been made about the strange fear that Minecraft's most terrifying mob has. For whatever reason, the Endermans are terrified of water. They cannot go into it. The one safe space that players have when an Enderman is chasing them is water. Even inside their homes, Minecraft players are not entirely safe.
There appears to be no clear reason as to why this is. Mojang, the developers of the game, just added it, likely as a way to nerf one of the most challenging mobs in Minecraft. Whatever the reason, most crafters are well aware of Enderman's one disability.
One Minecraft Redditor decided to use that knowledge and turn the situation into a hilarious anime. Players have recreated all sorts of things into anime before, and it usually produces a quality result. Check out the video below.
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Minecraft player animates Enderman in hilarious anime clip
In this scenario, the Enderman has been turned into a human girl. The characteristics, namely its fear of and the damage they receive from water, remain intact.
The video begins with an animated version of Steve walking into the bathroom as the humanized Enderman attempts to potentially take a bath. For a moment, Steve and the Enderman don't realize what's going on until Steve recognizes the Enderman.
It scares him, which in turn scares the Enderman into the bathtub full of water. The Enderman begins taking damage from the water, complete with sound effects from Minecraft.
Steve rushes into action to try and save the Enderman he clearly did not mean to kill. He tries to drag her out of the water, eventually succeeding and getting her to "safety" even though she's still dying.
Steve paces frantically, unsure of how to proceed. He eventually decides to do what most people would probably do in a similar situation: perform CPR. He begins to try and resuscitate the Enderman when Alex walks in (evidently, no one in this video knows how to knock).
Alex is furious with Steve for trying to save the Enderman and tries to kill him with a wooden sword. She chases him around before he gets back into the bathroom and closes the door. The Enderman is undoubtedly near death at this point.

As Alex tries to barge back in, the Enderman is finally revived and becomes furious with Steve for spooking her into the water. She powers up and throws him through the window.
It's a clever animation that pays homage to classic animes in style and substance. The Minecraft community loved the post, as many positive comments were left.
Many commenters wanted to know what tempted the "Enderwoman" in the first place.
One Reddit user theorized about how the Enderman even got into the real world.
The moral of the story is: to knock when entering a room. Especially the bathroom.
Perhaps that's true to the game.
The irony of Steve trying to lift the Enderman out of the water was not lost on this commenter.
It was a fairly typical anime.
According to one Reddit user, the animation is the best part.
Several parts of the video were very well done.
Overall, the post has already received nearly 50 thousand upvotes and a thousand comments at the time of writing.
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