A Minecraft Redditor by the name of u/LycheetehfruitWAVES decided it would be a good idea to post themself shooting the ender dragon with a light machine gun for the fourth of July. This idea proved to be great, as the post absolutely exploded on the Minecraft subreddit.
As seen in the post above, the original poster (OP) can be seen standing on one of the obelisks found in the end, shooting at the Ender Dragon from above. For those curious, the OP is using the ActualGuns mod to acquire the light machine gun shown above.
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Redditor uses a machine gun to defeat the ender dragon in Minecraft
The post

The post begins abruptly with the OP standing on top of an end obelisk. After spotting the ender dragon, the OP immediately begins shooting at it with one of the guns found in the ActualGuns mod. There is some very patriotic music playing in the background as well.
This machine gun seems very strong, as it has no bullet drop and seems to have infinite range. It also apparently deals massive damage, as the OP makes quick work of the usually fearsome ender dragon.
While the OP themself is not American, they stated that this post was in celebration of the fourth of July, otherwise known as the American Independence Day. It is only right for a fourth of July celebration to have some sort of gun involved.
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Due to the humorous yet shocking qualities of this post, it garnered a massive 33.7 thousand upvotes in only one day. Many Minecraft Redditors gave awards and left comments for this wild post.

For some reason, the top comment of this post is asking what mod allows for the light machine gun, even though it is shown in the right-hand corner of the screen.
For those still unaware, the mod is the ActualGuns 3D add-on mod for Bedrock Edition only.

Most Americans are aware of the song that is played in the video above.
Since the source of the song is quite inappropriate, readers will have to do their own research to find the video.

With the killing of the ender dragon, the OP has colonized the end and will extract the desired resources in true American fashion.
The OP's next move should be to dogfight the Ender Dragon with a fighter jet. Someone needs to create this mod for the next fourth of July.

One particularly patriotic Minecraft Redditor informs the commenters on the gun which was seen in the post, the M249.
This gun is quite famously featured in many video games such as Call of Duty and Battlefield and is usually quite deadly. It is also used by the armed forces of the USA.

One Minecraft Redditor reminds players that the French National Day is in nine days and asks for a special request.
More specifically, the Redditor wants the OP to assault the Ender Dragon with a baguette launcher. This battle may not go as smoothly as the one seen above.
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The following reactions are notable mentions from the post:

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