While much of Minecraft 1.21's development time has gone to the intimidating and impressive trial chambers, there are a plethora of other interesting features coming alongside them. These include a range of new copper blocks for builders to use and a weapon type in maces. Mojang recently also announced four new potions for the game.
This article lists the four new potions in Minecraft and explains how players can brew them. It also discusses the effects they imbue on those affected by their strange alchemical energies.
Minecraft 1.21's four new potions
Wind Charged potion

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Brewed with: Awkward potion and a breeze rod
The first of the four new potions in Minecraft is Wind Charged. As the name might give away, players will need to harvest the breeze to make this potion (another use for the incredibly vaulable breeze rods).
Any entities under the effect of Wind Charged will explode into a gust of air when killed.
Weaving potion

Brewed with: Awkward potion and a cobweb block
Weaving is the next of the new and useful Minecraft potions.
This interesting potion causes affected entities to explode into cobwebs on death. It also grants non-player entities the ability to walk through cobwebs without being slowed down at all. This might just let some hostile mobs in trial chambers catch up to unsuspecting players during ominous events.
Oozing potion

Brewed with: Awkward potion and a slime block
Oozing potions are brewed by combining an awkward potion with a slime block. Since they can be made in sets of three, each potion effectively costs three slime balls. When an affected entity is killed, they will split into two slimes.
It's interesting to note that using a splash potion of oozing on a large group of mobs, like a player would find at a Minecraft XP farm, can result in them gaining more slime balls than were used to make the potion. This gives players a decent way to farm slime without having to build any large scale, intimidating farms.
Infested potion

Brewed with: Awkward potion and a stone block
The Infested potion carries with it horrifying implications, as it causes afflicted mobs to have a 5% chance of spawning silverfish (one of Minecraft's weakest mobs, when taking damage).
This potion is unique as it uses a non-natural item for its brewing ingredient. This makes sense, though, as silverfish don't have an associated drop but can be found in stone within mountain biomes.
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