Mojang, and by extension, Minecraft, has one of the longest active development cycles in all gaming, especially if one counts the time that Notch was working on the game by himself. Due to just how long the game has seen work and how many different features and updates have been added, there is no shortage of bugs that have popped up.
While some bugs are game-breaking, others are minor or visual only. Detailed below are a few bugs that Mojang has shown off in a new YouTube video, ranging from humorous goat-eating frogs to the oddly terrifying Dragmoo.
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Bugs featured in the Minecraft video
While the video advertises ten different bugs, there are only six demonstrated in the video. There are three cutaways to the void, where the narrator can be found, which, while numbered, do not feature any bugs. Additionally, the number one spot on the list, Mobbo, seems to be more of a joke or lore than an actual bug and will be omitted from this bug recap.
7) Frog Diet

Frogs are a unique mob in Minecraft. They are the only mob with a unique animation for eating another mob, intended to be used on slimes and magma cubes. However, while in development, a Mojang developer set the frog to eat goats so they could test the eating code. Mojang forgot to remove this code, and in the initial beta containing frogs, they would routinely devour goats for fun.
6) Allay Variants

The allay went through many different rough designs while in the conceptual phase of its development. While many of these designs were fine, there was a truly cursed one. This was Steve allay. This allay was a floating diamond chestplate with no arms or legs with a Steve head on top of it, with the shoulder pads of the armor being used as arms.
5) The Rave Warden

This bug was based around the now iconic Warden mob. This mob can create darkness for players, which causes everything to become incredibly dark. However, when first implementing this effect, there was an interesting bug that would cause exciting color effects rather than darkness, mimicking a rave more than terrifying nothingness.
4) Floorless Igloos

There were a few different bugs during the development of The Wild Update based on terrain and world generation. One of these bugs is that occasionally igloos would generate in positions where they would generate without floors. An example of this bug in the video showcases an igloo spawned over water, meaning the floor of the igloo was replaced by water blocks.
3) Fish out of Water

The second generation issue showcased in the video also involved how mobs spawn. There was an issue with how fish spawned in frozen ocean biomes. Instead of spawning below the ice in the water, where the fish should be, the fish would instead spawn on top of the water and immediately begin suffocating, which is a horrific sight.
2) Frog Legs

This is another bug that involves frogs. Instead of being centered around frogs eating, this bug instead features around how frogs walk when attached to a lead. This would break the frog walking animation, causing the frog legs to appear nearly a block above the frog's body, though the animation usually works other than that. It is still a very unsettling bug, even though it only impacts visuals.
1) Dragmoo

This unholy beast combines the regular Minecraft cow and the game’s final boss, the ender dragon. This mob features a concise body, seemingly only a single pair of legs, rather than the four legs both mobs have, stunted wings, and lacks both a neck and a tail. While cute in a very odd way, it is a relief that this being is the result of a mistake rather than a purposeful addition.
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