5 Minecraft structures not worth exploring in 2024

Minecraft structures not worth exploring in 2024
Not every Minecraft structure is conducive to exploration (Image via Mojang)

Minecraft's roster of generated structures is only growing, but not every in-game structure is worth exploring. For one reason or another, some simply don't have much to offer when it comes to exploration compared to the likes of more beloved structures like villages, trial chambers, and more. All in all, some structures could use some attention from Mojang to make them more robust.

While Minecraft fans are free to explore and loot any structure they please, the following need not be a priority as they set out on their adventures.

Five Minecraft structures that aren't worth exploring

1) Underwater Ruins

Underwater ruins don't offer much in Minecraft beyond the chance to get a sniffer egg (Image via Mojang)
Underwater ruins don't offer much in Minecraft beyond the chance to get a sniffer egg (Image via Mojang)

Although underwater ruins found in Minecraft's warm oceans can offer the chance to collect sniffer eggs from their suspicious gravel blocks, there just isn't much of a reward for exploring these ruins. While their loot chests do contain some goodies, the best items players are likely to find are enchanted books and other items like gold armor, enchanted fishing rods, and emeralds can be found elsewhere.

These ruins might not be a bad stop early on in the game, but other Minecraft structures offer more loot and don't require as much work to explore. Sniffer eggs keep warm ocean ruins relevant, but they likely aren't a priority for most players.

2) Jungle Pyramids

Minecraft's jungle pyramids have good loot but aren't exactly fun to explore (Image via Mojang)
Minecraft's jungle pyramids have good loot but aren't exactly fun to explore (Image via Mojang)

Although jungle pyramids do offer quality loot for a Minecraft structure, exploring them can get old pretty quickly for Minecraft players. These structures are more compact than they appear, and while solving puzzles and disarming traps can be fun, there isn't a lot of variety to be had in that regard and the same can be said for the temple's layout and rooms.

If jungle temples could generate expanded layouts and more hidden rooms or more puzzles and traps to solve, they might be worth exploring more often. As they stand though, these structures get pretty stale after just a few visits.

3) Swamp Huts

Swamp huts can be useful for farming witches, but not for exploration (Image via Mojang)
Swamp huts can be useful for farming witches, but not for exploration (Image via Mojang)

While swamp/witch huts in Minecraft are the perfect place to set up a witch farm to collect various items and potion-brewing ingredients, there really isn't much that can be done with them when it comes to exploration. Swamp huts consist of a single cramped room that spawns witches and cats, so there aren't any real surprises to be found in these Minecraft structures once entered.

Perhaps Mojang could introduce new varieties of swamp huts with more rooms and a better layout to make them at least marginally worth exploring, but at the moment, they're better for building a witch farm on and moving along.

4) Nether Fossils

Nether fossils are considered structures in Java Edition but don't offer much of anything (Image via Mojang)
Nether fossils are considered structures in Java Edition but don't offer much of anything (Image via Mojang)

Technically, nether fossils are only considered structures in Minecraft: Java Edition (they're classified as features in Bedrock), although it might be a bit much to call them structures at all. Nether fossils offer little more than bone blocks to mine and nothing in particular to explore. Even worse, these fossil variants in the Nether don't offer the occasional diamond ore that their Overworld counterparts do.

Finding a nether fossil can be fun for theorizing about what kind of creature the fossil belonged to, but otherwise, they're not really worth seeking out.

5) Igloos

Igloos don't have much variety worth exploring (Image via Mojang)
Igloos don't have much variety worth exploring (Image via Mojang)

All things considered, igloos in Minecraft only come in two varieties: standard igloos and those with a basement that features brewing stands, villagers, and/or zombie villagers. Otherwise, players won't find many surprises and most igloos will fall into one of the two categories unless they intersect with other structures unintentionally.

Since igloos are essentially two rooms at max, there isn't much to explore. The loot might be nice to stop for, but the prospects of exploration can't measure up to the likes of many other structures found in the Overworld, the Nether, and even the End.

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