Allays are one of the mobs that are set to be added to Minecraft in the 1.19 The Wild update.
These are light blue impish beings intended to help players collect items found on the floor. They do this by being given a starter item by the player, after which they will obtain more of that item before depositing it near noteblocks.
They are interesting mobs that players will be able to do wild things in terms of farms and automated systems. But to do that, players will first need to find and tame the allay.
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How to find and tame Minecraft’s allay
1) Finding allays

Allays can be found in two different areas. However, thematically, the areas are related. They can be found in dark oak cages in groups ranging between one and three individuals.
Pillagers near their outposts have constructed these cages. The second location where they can be found is woodland mansions.
They can be found in groups of one to three in this location and in jails within the mansion. Each jail cell can have a group spawn within, so players can have an abundance of allays or only a few depending on RNG.
2) Taming allays

Unfortunately, Mojang has yet to confirm if the allay is legitimately tamable, like a cat or wolf, or if it will simply follow the player while holding an item or assigned to specific noteblocks. But we do know how allays become friendly with the player.
So far, we know that giving an item to an allay, causing it to carry the item, will cause the allay to become friendly to the player and proceed to follow it around, looking for more of the item in its hands the whole time.
The radius they search for after a while following the player is 32 blocks. They can follow the player up to a distance of 1024 blocks away. They only have one inventory slot and can carry up to 64 stackable items at once, or 16 in the case of ender pearls and snowballs.
Thankfully, when an allay is working for a player, that player cannot harm them. Should they be killed by other means, they will drop the item they are holding. They can be kept from dying with totems of undying if they hold one. They can also heal one heart per second if they take damage.
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