Minecraft's recent spate of snapshot and preview betas have been met with mixed responses. This is particularly due to the changes implemented surrounding villager and librarian villager trades. When the experimental feature is active, enchanted books become segmented inventories based on a librarian villager's home biome and profession level.
This has led many Minecraft fans to cry foul, stating that it only obfuscates the process of procuring enchantments. This is especially true in the new rework, as players must build jungle and swamp villages to get books for great enchantments like Mending, Power, and more.
Although these choices have been controversial, Mojang may still make additional changes to this particular Minecraft implementation.
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Mojang states that Minecraft's villager trade changes are ongoing

It wasn't long after Minecraft players delved into the recent selection of Java snapshots and Bedrock previews that they began providing feedback via Mojang's site. Most responses were quite negative, stating that making enchantment trades more difficult was completely unnecessary.
Some Minecraft fans suggested that instead of moving enchantment books to certain librarian villagers of specific biomes and profession levels, Mojang should add new books for these mobs. The company later stated in its feedback section that the trade changes would remain experimental until fan response helped influence developers' decisions.
Although some praise was leveled toward the changes, particularly as they pertained to improved Wandering Trader prices and trades, fans weren't pleased with enchanted books becoming tougher to trade for. However, it's important to note that these features remain experimental, and Mojang categorized them as a work in progress.
Be that as it may, numerous experimental features seen in Minecraft's betas often make their way into the vanilla build. If these contentious villager trade changes end up in the game's next significant update without much progress, fans will likely remain irate.
That said, Mojang is well within its rights to make adjustments to the game. There was similar pushback not long ago when the 1.20 update introduced smithing templates, one of which added extra steps to upgrading diamond gear to netherite quality. Fans voiced their displeasure, but the feature was implemented nonetheless.
Ideally, Mojang will consider the significant amount of player feedback on this issue. There may be some compromise, including making villagers easier to transport, so creating jungle or swamp villages for new enchantment trades isn't as laborious.

Although Mojang is unlikely to completely drop the villager trading adjustments, there appears to be plenty of time and room for future changes. As is, these tweaks have been largely panned. However, Mojang's ability to incorporate fan suggestions is crucial if the villager trading system is set to be a success in upcoming updates.
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