Minecraft 1.20.5 is an upcoming and final update to 1.20. It will bring a few new features, including adorable Minecraft armadillos, several gorgeous new wolf varieties found scattered across different biomes, and sturdy wolf armor to keep these pets safe while fighting. These new wolf varieties have quite an interesting development history to them.
Near the end of the video, at 4:50, Art Director Jasper Boerstra states that the wolf variants were being created for fun and not as an inclusion in the game's many updates:
"The art team was actually creating the wolf variants for fun."
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According to them, the armadillo team noticed the assets for the new wolf types, and realized this was the perfect opportunity to incorporate them both into the game:
"The armadillo team noticed this and they were like, 'Wow, this is a perfect opportunity to use another update with the wolf armor.' This created like a very neat package of all wolf upgrades."
And the wolves have been revamped. They are now capable of fighting off hostile mobs without quickly being killed, due to the aforementioned wolf armor. Minecraft wolf armor can also be dyed, so combining the different wolf types, color colors, and wolf armor colors makes for a ton of different customization options.
Minecraft wolf armor has been a long time coming

Wolf armor has been a massively requested feature, with some of the inquiries dating back to 2013. Game Director Agnes Larsson acknowledges that the idea for wolf armor was lifted from the community. At 2:56 in the video, she states:
"Wolf armor is one of these just lovely ideas we have seen many times in the community."
This suggests Mojang is intently listening to player feedback, despite the lack of a public acknowledgment. Hopefully, it takes this energy and continues to fix the area of Minecraft that fans agree is lacking.
Of all the different areas Mojang could focus on, perhaps the best would be a revamp of the End dimension. It is the emptiest of Minecraft's dimensions, to the extent that it's frustrating to explore. Maybe one of the next major updates could overhaul this iconic realm.
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