In a video released three days ago, Minecraft YouTuber camman18 stumbled across something extraordinary. What he discovered is so rare that only eight people (including him) have ever found this item.
The item refers to a block that is impossible to find in either the overworld, netherworld, or enderworld. Additionally, the block cannot be mined from a specific place, or crafted.
The block in question is half a bed.
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Minecraft YouTuber finds half a bed in the game
The 44-second clip starts off with the YouTuber explaining that no two worlds are ever exactly the same in the game. This applies to different people using the same seed.
While the seed code and world might seem the same, upon a closer look, players can make out subtle differences like variations in world generation, or the presence or absence of certain items, objects, blocks, and structures.
These differences occur due to the direction the player faces when the entities mentioned above are rendered into the game’s map. If a player looks towards a lava pool, water pool, thicket of trees, or even a flower, the rendering process will change depending on the direction the player approaches it from.
This exemplifies how rare the occurrence of the half-bed block is.

The video shows half a bed, the look of which might be similar to players who experience in-game lag spikes or connection problems. Beds occasionally appear to break into half when a player interacts with them during a lag spike.
According to the YouTuber, the (very volatile) properties for the generation of such blocks come into play when an entity like lava interacts with a village cottage in a way that only destroys half a section of the bed placed inside.

While the seed, version, and coordinates for the location are mentioned, the player does issue a warning for players wanting to explore the map.
He explained that depending on the direction in which the village house has been rendered, the lava may destroy the entire bed.

camman18 is known for posting Minecraft videos about rare items, seeds, structures, and locations in the game. His channel has been active since April 2021 and has since garnered a ton of recognition, with 3.6 million subscribers as of March 2022.
camman18’s shorts and quirky Minecraft videos have established a dedicated fanbase for him, and have made him an adored content creator within the Minecraft community.
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