Zombie Villagers are a variant of the Zombie mob found in Minecraft. While quite rare, Zombie Villagers come with a ton of unique features that can be helpful to players.
Many players may not be aware of the potential uses of the Zombie Villager, most notably their ability to be transformed back into a regular Villager.
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Zombie Villagers in Minecraft: Everything players need to know

Naturally, Zombie Villagers have a 5% chance to spawn in any biome that Zombies can spawn in.In addition to these, regular villagers have a chance to transform into Zombie Villagers after being killed by any type of Zombie.
In Easy mode, this chance is 0%, 50% in Normal, and 100% in Hard mode. A Cleric Zombie Villager will always spawn in Igloo basements, as well as abandoned villages. Zombie Villagers also have a 5% to spawn as a baby variant.
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Zombie Villagers act almost exactly the same as regular Zombies, except they do not transform to Drowned when in the water. Zombie Villagers will have their own professions, however in the Bedrock Edition all naturally spawned Zombie Villagers will have the unemployed look. Baby Zombies always have the unemployed look.

Zombie Villagers have the ability to be cured and returned to their natural Villager state. This can be done by throwing a Splash Potion of Weakness (or arrow) at one, then given a Golden Apple. The Villager will revert to whatever profession it spawned as. This is only available in Java Edition.
This curing process takes 3-5 minutes, in which the Zombie Villager will begin to act like a Villager. After its randomly selected time within 3600 to 6000 ticks, the Zombie Villager will transform into a regular Villager. This Villager will have extremely discounted trades, as a token of gratitude for saving their life!
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