MLG in Minecraft stands for Major League Gaming. It already sounds super cool, doesn’t it?MLG is sa survival tactic in Minecraft, like pro tips, or advanced skills that some players may not know in Minecraft, and will help less experienced players get more experience, and become more advanced at the game.
Major league gaming tips can help players who have just started Minecraft become more educated in the game and play like a pro. MLG can be very helpful for players who like to play in PvP modes a lot.
A lot of MLG skills are useful in PvP modes, as they can give players an advantage at outsmarting the opponent by doing things that they may not expect, or even think about doing. MLG skills teach players quick reaction time and smart thinking under pressure. This can help the player when they are in a life threatening situation in the game, and they can quickly think of a way to get out of it.
Here are some MLG tips that can help players become pro gamers:
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MLG Water Bucket in Minecraft

MLG water is when a player is falling out of the air, or when a player jumps off of something, and they throw down water before they hit the ground to break the fall, and prevent themselves from dying by fall damage.
This skill is seen a lot in PvP modes when players are fighting against other players. MLG water can also be used in caves when a player has fallen into a lava hole. If the player quickly throws down water into the hole that they fell into, the lava will turn into obsidian, and the player will no longer be on fire.
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How to MLG water in MInecraft?
To correctly do the MLG water bucket trick in Minecraft, players will need to hold the water bucket in their hand and look directly down from where they are standing.
Once the player jumps, the player will need to throw down the water (Speed depending on how fast the connection of the game is, and how fast the water would register), and the water should save the fall. MLG water can be hard for some players, but practicing doing it is the best way to get better at it.

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