In Minecraft, players can craft multiple tools, weapons, and items that can help them perform a particular task more efficiently. The better the tool is, the easier that task becomes.
Enchanting is an extremely useful game mechanic that allows players to apply enchantments onto their items, improving them in various interesting ways. For example, applying the Sharpness Enchantment on a sword will make that weapon deal more damage.
This article will take a closer look at the mutually exclusive enchantments present in Minecraft 1.19.
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Enchantments in Minecraft 1.19
Enchantments are one of Minecraft's best features and a must-have if the player has diamond or netherite tools. Using them is the only way to further improve netherite tools and weapons in the game.
Mutually exclusive enchantments

In Minecraft, multiple enchantments can generally be applied onto the same item. However, there are a few enchantments that are incompatible with a few others. This means that these two enchantments cannot be applied to the same item simultaneously.
Here's a list of enchantments that don't work together in Minecraft:
- Bane of Arthopods, Sharpness, and Smite
- Blast Protection, Fire Protection, Protection, and Projectile Protection
- Channeling and Riptide
- Depth Strider and Frost Walker
- Fortune and Silk Touch
- Infinity and Mending
- Loyalty and Riptide
- Multishot and Piercing
Some of these enchantments, such as Silk Touch and Infinity, are far too good to be left out. Therefore, if the player has an item with a particularly useful enchantment that doesn't work with another must-have enchantment option, it's highly recommended that they craft another item to take advantage of the other enchantment.
How to get enchantments

Enchantments can be acquired in a handful of different ways. One of the easiest methods to find enchantments in Minecraft is by using the enchanting table. This unique block will provide different enchantments based on the item that the player puts on it.
It should be noted that fifteen bookshelves need to be placed within a block of the table to obtain high-level enchantments.

Another reliable source of enchantments are librarian villagers. These NPCs offer enchanted books with even the hardest-to-acquire enchantments, such as Mending.
If a trader doesn't offer the player's preferred enchantment, they can simply break the lectern and place it down again to change the trade offers. This can be repeated as many times as the player wants, but it only works if the player has not traded with the villager even once.

With an enchanting book acquired, players simply need to place the book and the item on an anvil to apply the enchantment onto that item.
How to remove enchantments

Suppose that a player wishes to apply a new enchantment onto their tools, but the enchantment is mutually exclusive with an enchantment already present on that item. In that case, they must first disenchant the item and then apply the new enchantment.
This can be done quite easily by placing the item or an enchanted book in the slot of a grindstone. After disenchanting the item, players can then collect the item from the right slot. It's worth noting that curses cannot be removed from tools and books.
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