Minecraft Dungeons has plenty of opposition for its strident heroes, and the hostile mobs present within the game take various forms and perform many functions, just take the necromancer for example.
As the name implies, necromancers are hostile mobs that hold dominion over the undead. Appearing as large cloaked skeletons sporting a crown and a staff with a blue orb. They look similar to the Nameless One boss mob, but are smaller in stature and don't feature the same combat ability.
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Although they aren't as capable, they are by no means defenseless and their mastery over magic and the undead can prove troublesome.
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Minecraft Dungeons: Additional info on necromancers

Like magic-users in Minecraft Dungeons, necromancers aren't likely to get in a player's face and attack them in melee combat unless they are cornered. Instead, necromancers will use both their command of undead mobs and their magic staff to keep heroes at bay and attempt to eliminate them.
Players can either take their chances at defeating them at ranged combat or close in and strike them down in melee range where they aren't effective.
When engaged, necromancers in Minecraft Dungeons retain two primary attacks. They either summon undead mobs or fire laser orbs from their staff. Most of the time, the necromancer will rely on undead mobs and will attempt to run and reposition if heroes approach too closely.
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The necromancer may opt to fire its laser orbs at a safe distance as its undead minions attack. Though these orbs don't deal a huge amount of damage, they do push the hero back, complicating attempts to close the distance.
Currently, necromancers can appear in Minecraft Dungeons' following areas:
- Creeper Woods (Apocalypse Difficulty)
- Creepy Crypt (Apocalypse Difficulty)
- Woodland Mansion
- Woodland Prison
- Cacti Canyon (Adventure Difficulty)
- Desert Temple
- Lower Temple
- Abyssal Monument (within its secret area)
- The Stronghold
- Minecraft Dungeons' Daily Trials can spawn necromancers in other levels on occasion as well
In addition to their standard form, Minecraft Dungeons heroes undergoing Ancient Hunts can encounter an ancient variant of the necromancer known as the Haunted Caller.
At a minimum, it retains the Accelerate, Fire Trail, Gravity Pulse, and Rapid Fire enchantments with the capability of possessing more. It is flanked by six skeletal horseman mobs that possess the Cowardice enchantment, increasing their damage while at full health.
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Players hoping to take out this Minecraft Dungeons creature will likely need to deal with the horsemen first, as they can swarm and savage a hero's health if left unchecked.
Once players have dealt with any mobs that appear, defeating the Haunted Caller is much like battling standard necromancers. Either dodge its attacks and defeat it at range, or chase it down and hammer away at it with melee attacks. If the Haunted Caller falls, players should have some solid new gilded gear to compensate them.
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